Time for an equity tax? Experts look for solutions to increasingly unaffordable housing

General Angela Calla 10 Jan

Home Equity Tax for homes over $1,000,000 as heard on CTV news – mark your calendar for February 22nd, when the budget comes out.

How will this play out as an effort to cool down our Real Estate Market? The first thing that my mind falls onto is my clients who are seniors and have owned their homes for some 50 years. Those who are already barely able to afford their property tax on their current pension, and with the increased cost of everything, see no reason to move. If this comes to fruition, they would be poised to pay the tax on home equity values over $1,000,000 or choose to sell. This doesn’t feel right, they didn’t initially pay $1,000,000 for their properties. But now, these clients must pay the price for a housing market they didn’t create.

To go even further, think about the younger families working hard, saving their money, combining households with family to be able to afford to move into a larger home for their growing families. This tax takes the money right out of their pockets. Then there’s everyone in-between who have earned their equity honestly by living in their homes, creating memories. These people are not the issue and yet are being affected.

Owning a home, you’ve earned the right and are entitled to every penny of your equity.  You work hard to protect and care for this investment over the years. There is nothing fair about taxing this money. People shouldn’t be punished because a small portion of homeowners chooses to cheat the system by house flipping.

You can read the full article at CTV News.

Angela Calla is a 17-year award-winning woman of influence which sets her apart from the rest. She is without a doubt, a true expert in her field. Alongside her team, Angela passionately assists mortgage holders in acquiring the best possible mortgage. Through her presence on “The Mortgage Show” and through her best-selling book “The Mortgage Code, Angela educates prospective home buyers by providing vital information on mortgages. 

In August of 2020, at the young age of 37, Angela surpassed $1 Billion dollars in funded personal mortgages. In light of this, her success awarded her with the 2020Business Leader of the Year Award.

Angela is a frequent go-to source for media and publishers across the country. For media interviews, speaking inquiries, or personal mortgage assistance, please contact Angela at hello@countoncalla.ca or at 604-802-3983.

Click  here to view the latest news on our blog. 


CMP Women of Influence 2021

General Angela Calla 7 Jan

Every year at Canadian Mortgage Professionals (CMP), a list is released distinguishing the top women in the mortgage industry in Canada. For the Women of Influence 2021 list, we see Angela among the 82 women ultimately selected out of the total nomination pool of 340

Throughout a barnstorming year for the Canadian mortgage industry – one in which the task of handling record mortgage volume has collided with the ongoing challenges of the pandemic – the performance of its top female members has been nothing short of extraordinary.

The new reality foisted upon mortgage professionals required them to adjust to digital interactions with clients and colleagues while also navigating an increasingly complex landscape of house price increases, tightening lending restrictions and higher qualifying rates. 

Yet the 82 women who made this year’s Women of Influence list rose to those challenges, continuing to set a strong example for their counterparts in the industry by excelling in such a frenzied market. 

Not only that, but many of these women have distinguished themselves over the past year through superb management and stewardship of their companies in such a trying time, making sure that the well-being of employees and colleagues was top of mind during a gruelling pandemic. 

The mortgage industry is strongest when it’s diverse, inclusive and welcoming, and the achievements of the leading women in this space over the past year are clear proof of why it’s so important to have as many influential female voices at the table as possible. By rising to the top and providing a shining example for colleagues and clients alike, this year’s Women of Influence have demonstrated that the industry is home to plenty of strong, motivated and inspirational women – and that it’s all the richer for it.

Every year at Canadian Mortgage Professionals (CMP), a list is released distinguishing the top women in the mortgage industry in Canada. For the Women of Influence 2021 list, we see Angela among the 82 women ultimately selected out of the total nomination pool of 340. 

You can read the full list at Canadian Mortgage Professionals

Although this list was released back in the Fall, we are only able to highlight it now as Angela has been busy providing the best service for her various clients and giving back to local communities in charity programs like the People’s Pantry.

Angela Calla is a 17-year award-winning woman of influence which sets her apart from the rest. She is without a doubt, a true expert in her field. Alongside her team, Angela passionately assists mortgage holders in acquiring the best possible mortgage. Through her presence on “The Mortgage Show” and through her best-selling book “The Mortgage Code, Angela educates prospective home buyers by providing vital information on mortgages. 

In August of 2020, at the young age of 37, Angela surpassed $1 Billion dollars in funded personal mortgages. In light of this, her success awarded her with the 2020Business Leader of the Year Award.

Angela is a frequent go-to source for media and publishers across the country. For media interviews, speaking inquiries, or personal mortgage assistance, please contact Angela at hello@countoncalla.ca or at 604-802-3983.

Click  here to view the latest news on our blog. 


January 2022 Mortgage Update

General Angela Calla 6 Jan

Happy New Year from the Angela Calla Mortgage Team! As we move into 2022, we wish for you and your loved ones everything you can dream of for the year ahead.

We wanted to bring you an update on what you can expect in the next couple of months.

You likely have already received your BC property assessment, if not or if you would like to look it up online, you may do so here. Any questions you may have on how to best utilize your equity for investment or get rid of outside debt and build up an emergency fund, count on us to help. 

Mortgage statements can be expected to be out by the end of February, if not before. Most lenders will have online access if you’re not already signed up yet. Make sure to keep this handy for tax time if you have been working from home. 

Lastly, we will be hosting a virtual first-time homebuyers webinar later this month. So, if you or your loved ones are looking to turn that dream of buying a home into a reality, reach out to us so we can send you the sign-up link. 

Angela Calla is a 17-year award-winning woman of influence which sets her apart from the rest. Alongside her team, Angela passionately assists mortgage holders in acquiring the best possible mortgage. Through her presence on “The Mortgage Show” and through her best-selling book “The Mortgage Code, Angela educates prospective home buyers by providing vital information on mortgages. 

In August of 2020, at the young age of 37, Angela surpassed $1 Billion dollars in funded personal mortgages. In light of this, her success awarded her with the 2020Business Leader of the Year Award.

Angela is a frequent go-to source for media and publishers across the country. For media interviews, speaking inquiries, or personal mortgage assistance, please contact Angela at hello@countoncalla.ca or at 604-802-3983.

Click  here to view the latest news on our blog. 


Housing Market Predictions?

General Angela Calla 6 Jan

According to the 2022 Canadian Housing Market Outlook Report from RE/MAX, steady growth is anticipated across the Canadian real estate landscape into 2022. While Canadians continue to recognize the value and investment potential of their home, market challenges (such as rising prices and limited supply) maintain their impact on local markets.

It is estimated that Canada will witness an approximate 9.2% increase in average housing prices across the country as a result.

One of the key trends we see continue from 2021 into 2022 is inter-provincial migration occurring in many regions as a result of supply and affordability of homes across Canada. Individuals are also looking for larger homes with more space for growing families. While there is potential for the real estate conditions to continue to shift, 49% of respondents view Canadian real estate as a top investment option and believe the market will remain steady throughout 2022.

Below are some key regional forecasts from Moody’s Analytics and Real Property Solutions (RPS) for 2022:

  • British Columbia: Housing markets in BC are also overvalued, particularly in Vancouver and other metro areas. As a result, these areas will continue to have a downward pull on housing prices due to reduced affordability.
  • Alberta & Saskatchewan: Currently considered “undervalued” housing markets, they are likely to do better despite weaker economics as they have retained better affordability.
  • Manitoba: Lifestyle shifts, such as hybrid working environments and younger couples enjoying the freedom to work from home, predicts that Winnipeg will continue to be a seller’s market through 2022 with high demand for one- and two-story detached homes.
  • Ontario: Smaller metro areas (Brantford, Kitchener, Kingston, London, Windsor and Ottawa) are expecting the strongest house price appreciation rates. With regards to The Greater Toronto Area, this region currently suffers from over evaluation. However, housing prices have shown less sensitivity to this based on historical data so they are likely to experience less downward pressure.
  • Quebec: This province presents important contrasts as Montreal is the only metro area in Quebec not in the correctly valued range (plus or minus 10%), and will experience a downward pull on housing prices due to reduced affordability.
  • Nova Scotia & New Brunswick: The highest home price appreciation is expected to occur in the metro areas of Moncton and Halifax.
  • Newfoundland & Labrador: Aside from the Prairies, this Atlantic province is expected to see housing price growth move at a faster rate.

If you are looking to buy, sell or simply review or renew your mortgage in 2022, please do not hesitate to reach out to me! I would be happy to review your situation with you and help you make the best decision for you and your family now, and into the future.

This is from a newsletter from the Dominion Lending Centre

Angela Calla is a 17-year award-winning woman of influence which sets her apart from the rest. She is without a doubt, a true expert in her field. Alongside her team, Angela passionately assists mortgage holders in acquiring the best possible mortgage. Through her presence on “The Mortgage Show” and through her best-selling book “The Mortgage Code, Angela educates prospective home buyers by providing vital information on mortgages. 

In August of 2020, at the young age of 37, Angela surpassed $1 Billion dollars in funded personal mortgages. In light of this, her success awarded her with the 2020Business Leader of the Year Award.

Angela is a frequent go-to source for media and publishers across the country. For media interviews, speaking inquiries, or personal mortgage assistance, please contact Angela at hello@countoncalla.ca or at 604-802-3983.

Click  here to view the latest news on our blog. 


The RPS Canadian Composite House Price median rose 16.2% to $759,085 since last November

General Angela Calla 5 Jan

Metropolitan Composite – This measure is the weighted average of 13 major Census Metropolitan Areas (CMA) that represent Canada. This is the most common method of measuring house price values in Canada.

Canadian Composite – This measure is the median average of all 1500 Forward Sortation Areas (FSA) across Canada including all major metro markets, all medium and small-sized cities and towns and all rural regions. This is the most robust method of assessing and measuring house prices in Canada. 

The charts are some examples of the insights and analysis from the data set.

House Price Index Trend
Jan 2015 to Nov 2021


Year-over-Year House Price % Change
Jan 2018 to Nov 2021


Aggregate House Price Values
Nov 2021


Year-over-Year House Price Growth
Nov 2020 to Nov 2021


This is a subset of a more comprehensive data set that is available as a subscription service. For more information about the RPS House Price Index (HPI) solution, please visit their website

Angela Calla is a 17-year award-winning woman of influence which sets her apart from the rest. She is without a doubt, a true expert in her field. Alongside her team, Angela passionately assists mortgage holders in acquiring the best possible mortgage. Through her presence on “The Mortgage Show” and through her best-selling book “The Mortgage Code, Angela educates prospective home buyers by providing vital information on mortgages. 

In August of 2020, at the young age of 37, Angela surpassed $1 Billion dollars in funded personal mortgages. In light of this, her success awarded her with the 2020Business Leader of the Year Award.

Angela is a frequent go-to source for media and publishers across the country. For media interviews, speaking inquiries, or personal mortgage assistance, please contact Angela at hello@countoncalla.ca or at 604-802-3983.

Click  here to view the latest news on our blog. 


OSFI confirms Minimum Qualifying Rate for uninsured mortgages

General Angela Calla 20 Dec

OTTAWA ─ December 17, 2021 ─ Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions

Today, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) confirmed that the minimum qualifying rate for uninsured mortgages will remain the greater of the mortgage contract rate plus 2 percent or 5.25 percent.

In an environment characterized by increased household indebtedness and low-interest rates, it is essential that lenders test their borrowers to ensure that mortgages can continue to be paid during more adverse conditions. This environment supports today’s decision to maintain the current minimum qualifying rate.

Mortgages are typically one of the largest exposures that banks carry on their balance sheets. Ensuring that borrowers can continue to repay their mortgage loans strongly contributes to the safety and soundness of Canada’s financial system.

OSFI reviews and communicates the minimum qualifying rate at least every December. Throughout the year, we will continue to monitor the appropriateness of the minimum qualifying rate and will make further adjustments, if conditions warrant.  


“Sound mortgage underwriting is critical for maintaining the stability of the financial system. This is especially true now when changing conditions such as potentially rising interest rates could make repaying mortgages more difficult in the future.”

– Peter Routledge, Superintendent

Quick Facts

  • Uninsured mortgages are residential mortgages with a down payment of 20 percent or more.
  • OSFI makes decisions on the minimum qualifying rate for uninsured mortgages based on data from its ongoing monitoring of federally regulated financial institutions as well as its analytical work on system-wide and sectoral developments.
  • OSFI works with its federal financial regulatory partners, notably the Department of Finance Canada and the Bank of Canada when setting the minimum qualifying rate for uninsured mortgages.
  • The Department of Finance is responsible for setting the minimum qualifying rate for insured mortgages.

You can view this news release on the Government of Canada.

Angela Calla is a 17-year award-winning woman of influence which sets her apart from the rest. She is without a doubt, a true expert in her field. Alongside her team, Angela passionately assists mortgage holders in acquiring the best possible mortgage. Through her presence on “The Mortgage Show” and through her best-selling book “The Mortgage Code, Angela educates prospective home buyers by providing vital information on mortgages. 

In August of 2020, at the young age of 37, Angela surpassed $1 Billion dollars in funded personal mortgages. In light of this, her success awarded her with the 2020Business Leader of the Year Award.

Angela is a frequent go-to source for media and publishers across the country. For media interviews, speaking inquiries, or personal mortgage assistance, please contact Angela at hello@countoncalla.ca or at 604-802-3983.

Click  here to view the latest news on our blog. 


Top 4 Considerations for Mortgage in 2022

General Angela Calla 16 Dec

As we approach a new year, there are always a few things to keep in mind when it comes to our mortgage. We have put together a few considerations to keep at the forefront of the ever-changing market.

Sliding Scale
With home prices surging all over the country you may be surprised to learn that purchases over a million dollars may need a larger down payment than 20%. (Purchasing for Over $1 Million? Don’t Forget These Considerations). With the increase of working from home and the ability to live in different provinces, you will want to be clear with your mortgage professional on the prices and areas to ensure you have enough down payment for your purchase.

Reverse Mortgages
The Bank of Mom and Dad is very popular, and the number of gift amounts has risen. A recent report from Yahoo Finance noted that 30% of home buyers had help from family. This coupled with the fact that seven out of ten retirees saying they don’t feel they have enough for retirement makes the reverse mortgage the perfect non-taxable or cash flow impacting way parents can reach both of these goals. Now they don’t have to downsize to live out their life goals (with no inventory there is nowhere to go anyways!).

Utilize Home Equity
Get out of credit card debt and payout those student loans and cars if you wanted to buy a second home. With home prices rising as much as 30% and debt holding people back from moving up the property ladder, this is the perfect time to get that equity working for you. $50,000 in outstanding debt can be rolled into a mortgage for $250/month. Compared that to whatever you are paying for your loans, chances are, you will save hundreds or even thousands per month! So, get the compound effect working for you instead of against you. This goes a long way when you consider $480/month in outside loan payments takes away $100,000 in mortgage qualification! Not when you turn the tables.

Pre-Pandemic Interest Rates Will Likely Return
If you or a loved one has a mortgage renewal in 2022 you will want to renew it in the first quarter of the year and the Bank of Canada has mentioned, they still plan on sticking with their forecast of rising rates later in the year (Bank of Canada Holds Rate Target Steady Until April to September 2022).

Angela Calla is a 17-year award-winning woman of influence which sets her apart from the rest. She is without a doubt, a true expert in her field. Alongside her team, Angela passionately assists mortgage holders in acquiring the best possible mortgage. Through her presence on “The Mortgage Show” and through her best-selling book “The Mortgage Code, Angela educates prospective home buyers by providing vital information on mortgages. 

In August of 2020, at the young age of 37, Angela surpassed $1 Billion dollars in funded personal mortgages. In light of this, her success awarded her with the 2020Business Leader of the Year Award.

Angela is a frequent go-to source for media and publishers across the country. For media interviews, speaking inquiries, or personal mortgage assistance, please contact Angela at hello@countoncalla.ca or at 604-802-3983.

Click  here to view the latest news on our blog. 

Bank of Canada

Federal Fiscal Update: Canada Has Weathered The Pandemic Storm Relatively Well

General Angela Calla 16 Dec

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland extolled the performance of the Canadian economy in response to the extraordinary support provided by the federal fiscal authorities and the Bank of Canada in the past 21 months. The economic recovery has been the second strongest in the g-7, and the death rate from Covid-19 was the second-lowest. Emergency spending by the federal government was enormous, but the federal government maintained its triple-A credit rating. The Canadian government on Tuesday cut its deficit forecast for the current fiscal year, citing higher tax revenues and less emergency aid spending while earmarking new funds to fight the Omicron coronavirus variant.

“As we look ahead, we are mindful of elevated inflation,” Freeland said in the forward of the update. “We know inflation is a global phenomenon driven by the unprecedented challenge of re-opening the world’s economy. Turning on the global economy is a good deal more complicated than turning it off. We, like other countries, are experiencing the consequences of a time unlike any other.”

Here are some of the key forecasts presented in the fiscal update:

  • The budget deficit came in at $327.7 billion in the last fiscal year (FY) 2020-21–almost $27 billion less than forecast in the spring budget. As it turns out, revenue came in $20 billion stronger than expected, while expenses were $6 billion lower than expected.
  • This year’s red ink is expected to be $144.5 billion versus the $154.7 billion forecast in April.
  • Canada’s debt-to-GDP ratio at 47.5% last FY will peak at 48% this FY versus 51.2% expected in April and fall subsequently to 44% in FY 2026-27. This compares to the pre-pandemic levels of roughly 31%.

“It has been a hard 21 months,” said Freeland. “As we brace ourselves for the rising wave of Omicron, we know that no one wants to endure new lockdowns,” Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland said in prepared remarks.

The Trudeau Liberals are pointing to improvements in the labour market, personal incomes and corporate profits as it forecasts tens of billions of dollars in additional revenue annually through 2026.

There is $13 billion in additional spending since the budget aimed at “finishing the fight against COVID-19” and another $4.5 billion in provisions for any Omicron response this fiscal year. There is $1.7 billion for rapid COVID tests in the fiscal update and $2 billion for COVID therapeutics and treatments. In a nod to the persistence of COVID, the previously announced extensions of the wage, rent and recovery benefits in the fall will put another $6.7 billion on the COVID tab this fiscal year.

When it comes to feeding Canada’s economic growth in the years to come, Ottawa is touting the importance of immigration to address labour shortages. The fiscal update earmarks $85 million in the 2022-23 fiscal year to speed up the application process to bring in workers for key industries hit by labour shortage coming out of the pandemic.

The “Underused Housing Tax Budget 2021” announced the government’s intention to implement a national, annual 1.0% tax on the value of non-resident, non-Canadian-owned residential real estate in Canada that is considered vacant or underused. It is proposed that the tax be effective for the 2022 calendar year.

Bottom Line

Today’s fiscal update document may well be most notable in what it omitted. There was no mention of the many new spending promises marked in the summer’s Liberal election platform. Those promises added up to $78 billion over five years.

The Opposition parties in the House of Commons harped on rising inflation and its negative impact on Canadian households and businesses. To be sure, the Trudeau government is not responsible for the surge in global inflation arising from the supply disruptions, labour shortages and enormous pent-up demand. Still, with the Bank of Canada poised for rate hikes next year, the Liberals could well be accused of stoking inflation with additional fiscal stimulus. We will undoubtedly hear more on the election promises when the government’s 2022 budget is announced, likely sometime this spring.

Article source: Sherry Cooper Assoc.

Angela Calla is a 17-year award-winning woman of influence which sets her apart from the rest. Alongside her team, Angela passionately assists mortgage holders in acquiring the best possible mortgage. Through her presence on “The Mortgage Show” and through her best-selling book “The Mortgage Code, Angela educates prospective home buyers by providing vital information on mortgages. 

In August of 2020, at the young age of 37, Angela surpassed $1 Billion dollars in funded personal mortgages. In light of this, her success awarded her with the 2020Business Leader of the Year Award.

Angela is a frequent go-to source for media and publishers across the country. For media interviews, speaking inquiries, or personal mortgage assistance, please contact Angela at hello@countoncalla.ca or at 604-802-3983.

Click  here to view the latest news on our blog. 

Fiscal update

How We Can Help with a Plan Wherever You Are

General Angela Calla 15 Dec

With a new year approaching it’s very common to consider a home purchase. Some of us may feel unsure of where to start, or how to set up a plan.

I’m here to let you know, wherever you are today, that we can help. Help ensure that you have the best resources to achieve your goals for the years ahead using our experience and developed networks.

Maybe you want to own a home but have no down payment and don’t even have the money to spare just yet, or feel that it is just too far ahead?

Perhaps you would like to move up the property ladder but wonder if you would qualify or if there is debt from credit cards and lines of credit holding you back.

Maybe you are having a life transition and the emotions of it feel like a lot to bear. I can tell you we understand how you feel and will hold your hand through all of it.

There are a lot of myths floating around out there, especially with millennial homebuyers. I did an interview with Global News that touched on just this topic.

But you don’t need to worry! We have teamed up with financial planners to ensure that you have a budget together, are not overpaying on insurance, and plugging your money in the best places. That way you can acquire tax refunds, find pensions, find reduced insurance costs, or even set up a monthly savings plan to help you reach your goal to own a home.

We are teamed up with mortgage brokers to ensure your mortgage is working to your best advantage so that you have the best rate and can consolidate your debt to improve your cash flow, increasing your future purchasing power.

And life changes, we have been through a few, and if buying or selling is in your future, I will help with that.

If you would like an introduction to any of the above, please email me with the best number for us to connect. You can also get started by downloading our Dominion Lending Centre Mortgage App, available on iOS and Android.

We are committed to helping you with anything we can to achieve the best year for you and your loved ones to come.

Angela Calla is a 17-year award-winning woman of influence which sets her apart from the rest. She is without a doubt, a true expert in her field. Alongside her team, Angela passionately assists mortgage holders in acquiring the best possible mortgage. Through her presence on “The Mortgage Show” and through her best-selling book “The Mortgage Code, Angela educates prospective home buyers by providing vital information on mortgages. 

In August of 2020, at the young age of 37, Angela surpassed $1 Billion dollars in funded personal mortgages. In light of this, her success awarded her with the 2020Business Leader of the Year Award.

Angela is a frequent go-to source for media and publishers across the country. For media interviews, speaking inquiries, or personal mortgage assistance, please contact Angela at hello@countoncalla.ca or at 604-802-3983.

Click  here to view the latest news on our blog. 


Bank of Canada Holds Rate Target Steady Until April to September 2022

General Angela Calla 14 Dec

Bank of Canada Leaves Expectations For 2022 Rate Hikes Intact

The Bank of Canada decided to keep its target for the overnight rate at 0.25%, in line with forecasts and to maintain its forward guidance, which sees a rise in the overnight rate sometime in the middle quarters of 2022. Until then, policymakers vowed to provide an adequate degree of monetary stimulus to support Canada’s economy and achieve the inflation target of 2%. On the price front, the ongoing supply disruptions continue to support high inflation rates, but gasoline prices, which have been a significant upside risk factor, have recently declined. Still, the BoC expects inflation to remain elevated in the first half of 2022 and ease towards 2% in the second half of the year. Finally, recent economic indicators suggested the economy had considerable momentum in Q4, namely in the labour and housing markets. Still, the omicron variant of the coronavirus and the devastation left by the floods in British Columbia has added to downside risks.

The Bank’s press release went on to say, “The Governing Council judges that in view of ongoing excess capacity, the economy continues to require considerable monetary policy support. We remain committed to holding the policy interest rate at the effective lower bound until economic slack is absorbed so that the 2% inflation target is sustainably achieved. In the Bank’s October projection, this happens sometime in the middle quarters of 2022. We will provide the appropriate degree of monetary policy stimulus to support the recovery and achieve the inflation target.”

In October, the Bank ended its bond-buying program and is now in its reinvestment stage. It maintains its Government of Canada bonds holdings by replacing securities as they mature.

Bottom Line

Traders continue to bet that the Bank of Canada will hike interest rates by 25 basis points five times next year. This would take the overnight rate from 0.25% to 1.5%. I think this might be overly hawkish, expecting a more cautious stance of three rate hikes next year to a year-end level of 1.0%. This expectation has already had an impact on economic activity. According to local real estate boards reporting in the past week, November home sales were boosted by buyers hoping to lock in mortgage rates before they rise further next year.

You can read this article at Sherry Cooper Assoc. 

Angela Calla is a 17-year award-winning woman of influence which sets her apart from the rest. She is without a doubt, a true expert in her field. Alongside her team, Angela passionately assists mortgage holders in acquiring the best possible mortgage. Through her presence on “The Mortgage Show” and through her best-selling book “The Mortgage Code, Angela educates prospective home buyers by providing vital information on mortgages. 

In August of 2020, at the young age of 37, Angela surpassed $1 Billion dollars in funded personal mortgages. In light of this, her success awarded her with the 2020Business Leader of the Year Award.

Angela is a frequent go-to source for media and publishers across the country. For media interviews, speaking inquiries, or personal mortgage assistance, please contact Angela at hello@countoncalla.ca or at 604-802-3983.

Click  here to view the latest news on our blog. 

Bank of Canada