Things to consider prior to making a prepayment

General Angela Calla 28 Jun

Things to consider prior to making a prepayment

Paying down your mortgage is a smart step that’s always encouraged.
We recommend you first consider the following for your financial well-being as making a lump-sum pre-payment on a mortgage is one sided. Once you’ve made the payment, there are only two ways to get the money back out. Sell or pay an exit fee to refinance.

This is what you should consider prior to a lump-sum payment:

1- Do you have any debts at an interest rate higher than your mortgage you can use the money for instead to stop paying unnecessary interest?

2- Do you have six months of living expenses set aside so you don’t have to acquire debt if something comes up?

3- Have you topped up your RRSPs or RESP if applicable to take advantage of any government matching programs or tax advantages that can result in an income tax refund?

4- Are you looking at doing any home renovations, new vehicle purchase or job changes in the next while?

5. Are you considering making another property purchase in the next while (as you will need a deposit handy in cash)

If all the above are covered, that’s awesome and congratulations in having this capital to pay down your largest debt! All lenders have different pre-payment terms and timing in which they allow. The goal is to get the most flexible mortgage initially, and we can help. This is the reason when The Angela Calla Mortgage Team sets up a mortgage initially, we start with the minimum payment, while other increases are happening separately once we have a strategy in place. If you decide to execute a pay down strategy with periodic payments, we can cancel that at any time with no costs. There is always a reason behind “why” we ask what we ask and “why” we set things up as we do initially with the end result being the lowest cost of borrowing and best wealth strategy being the result. Remember- check your statements. Even with confirmation a task has been complete, we are not the ones physically processing the payments and technology is not perfect. The borrower is ultimately responsible to ensure there strategies are carried out!

Please reach out to us directly with any questions. We are always here to help you and thos you care most about.

Five points to consider before you list your home.

General Angela Calla 26 Jun

Five points to consider before you list your home.

There are several things to consider before you take the plunge and put your home up for sale. This might sound obvious, but the first step is to call your mortgage broker, not your lender directly or your realtor. You don’t have to look long for an unfortunate story of someone who didn’t understand their portability, penalty or transfer costs. Here’s how you avoid this scenario.

1.The anniversary date of your mortgage will depend on your penalty. If you are in a variable rate you usually will pay 3 month’s interest payment. In a fixed rate, it can be up to one to 4.5% of the outstanding mortgage balance. Remember we can estimate things, the only guarantee you will have of your penalty is when the lawyer requests the payout statement.

2.Just because a mortgage says its portable doesn’t mean you don’t have to completely re-qualify. Changing properties means complete re-qualification of everything; credit, income and property. Less than one per cent of mortgages actually get ported due to the changes in the market, or your circumstances.

3.If you have accumulated outside debt, you may not even qualify to purchase for more due to recent rule changes. You’ll need clarity on what the approximate net will be after anything that is required to be paid out to improve qualification.

4.If you list your property and want to buy first or need money for a deposit, you may need to change your mortgage first which you won’t qualify for if your property is already listed. This happens frequently when people who are downsizing are selling their home.

5.Making a purchase requires a deposit that later forms part of the down payment, so understanding this before you go out shopping helps you plan for it

A little preparation helps the process go more smoothly, and we are here to help.

The best mortgage plan is one that is developed by assessing your goals and life stage. The Angela Calla Mortgage Team will help you personally call us at 604-802-3983 or email to contact Angela Calla directly call 604-802-3983 or visit

What you need to discuss with your lawyer and what role they play in your mortgage.

General Angela Calla 26 Jun

What you need to discuss with your lawyer and what role they play in your mortgage:

When you are completing a mortgage, for a purchase, refinance or registration of a secured loan a lawyer will be involved. Their level of involvement can vary depending if they are from a closing service (which is allowed for refinances and switches) or a purchase.
It’s critical that you are clear on what their role is and who they represent. If you don’t feel you are getting clarity on what you need to know, ensure you have a lawyer you are comfortable with.

In most cases (except for private mortgages) they represent the lender and the borrower.

Here is a list of things to cover with them that are the borrower’s responsibility.

1. The pros and cons of the different ways of registration that are available so you get the best choice.
2. Qualification for First Time Home buyers Grants
3. Any other tax rebates available
4. Adding spouses on previously owned properties and any taxes that could come up
5. ILA – Independent Legal Advice
6. Spousal consent

In our office we do everything possible to ensure the process with lawyers goes smoothly. When we get a file complete from a lender, we just don’t count on that. We then send all our paperwork to the lawyer and tell them to contact us if they have ANY questions that come up prior to the client coming in. We then follow up further to confirm they have no questions and have made an appointment with the borrower. Not all lawyers have experience with all lenders, and they do not understand the nuances of why the specific lender and terms where selected, and they’re not in a position to comment. Their job is to register title and advise on the grants and tax/cost implications of each way. I hope that helped you gain clarity on the lawyer’s role in your mortgage transaction.

Angela Calla, Mortgage Expert, AMP of the Year in 2009 has been helping British Columbia families save money with the best mortgage strategy for over a decade from her Port Coquitlam office location. She is a regular contributor to national and regional media outlets and long time host of The Mortgage Show on CKNW Saturdays at 7pm, and sits on many advisory boards for mortgage lenders & insures. She can be reached directly to help you at 604-802-3983 or

It appears the bottom is behind us, expect lending rates to rise.

General Angela Calla 16 Jun

It appears the bottom is behind us, expect lending rates to rise.

This news is no reason to panic, we just want you to be aware of possible changes upcoming.

With Angela Calla Mortgage Team, we’re committed to helping you get clarity on financing, and get in front of market changes proactively with up to date information. We have a collision of circumstances where the bond market that impacts fixed interest rates and prime rate show all the indications to get ready for an increase.

Understanding how to brace for impact so you can decide your route of action.

If there is a .25 basis point increase in fixed or a variable rate mortgage based on a 25 year amortization, the impact is $13 per 100,000 in mortgage. With the average mortgage in Canada at $350,000 that will be $47 dollars a month.

1. If you have a fixed rate- review it, pending the renewal date and your financial circumstances you may want to redo and renew your mortgage for a longer period of time to take advantage knowing the bottom is behind us. If you do nothing, you will have no impact until your renewal date, however you will want to check in with us and consider increasing your payment now to avoid payment shock. This is reviewed annually for existing Angela Calla Mortgage Team clients automatically.

2. If you have a variable rate, you are the only one who can decide what you want to do: stay put or lock in. Your lender will be able to provide you with a lock-in offer valid only for a day, and you can take it or leave it. They can change their mind in 24 hours and change their offers. Check with us to ensure you don’t get “sold” an option that might not be right for you. Each lender is different, some allow us to help you, and others will make you go it on your own. Consulting with us will assist in helping you clarify your thoughts based on your future goals and risk tolerance. Ultimately, the borrower is responsible for their decision and the timing.

Remember once you lock in you penalty goes up significantly to exit that mortgage pending the lender at a later date, the benefit of having a variable rate is that more money goes towards principal as rates are lower and it’s only 3 months of interest to pay out completely. Rates generally only go up on variable products 0.25 per cent at a time.

3. Changes on a mortgage rate/product are limited to once a year, so if you have done a mortgage in the last year, you will likely have to wait till your anniversary date.

4. It’s likely the increases we will see will be gradual over a longer period of time, rather than a sudden substantial increase. At the moment, we have seen no increases. The next announcement for the Bank of Canada is July 12, 2017.

5. There is history. In November 2016 TD bank decided to raise their prime rate, not simultaneously with the Bank of Canada- so their prime rate has already been higher for their customers for several months

So if you have questions, we are here to help.

Angela Calla, AMP, is host of The Mortgage Show on Saturdays at 7 pm on CKNW, one of Canada’s Top Mortgage Professionals, a Woman of Influence and a CMP ‘Young Gun’. She has been helping Canadians avoid costly mistakes with mortgages and taking the fear out of financing for over 13 years from her Port Coquitlam Office. She can be reached at 604-802-3983 or

Lower Mainland parents buy properties for when children become of age

General Angela Calla 16 Jun

Lower Mainland parents buy properties for when children become of age

Parents are always worried about something with their children, and where they are going to live and how they are going to afford it is no exception.
The bank of mom and dad is a common source of down payment for their children, and the strategy continues to grow with the significant rise in prices and wage gap growing in today’s marketplace.

For example, the upper middle class are buying properties for their kids and grand kids and the benefits are multifaceted: they generate income now, while someone else pays the mortgage (a tenant) and the value increases.

The families can then refinance at a later date and gift some equity that was pulled out what was essentially paid for by a tenant and continue generate income to assist with retirement, as most of this class sector doesn’t have the company pensions that were available a generation ago. However, even this group feels they are in crisis by not having enough cash flow to save for retirement. But with the above strategy, essentially your downsize home was purchased early with the basic principal of time working in your favor to get ahead even further ahead financially so everybody wins without sacrifice in this scenario.

Our demographics are changing rapidly and this is something that is motivated by families who want to keep their children close to them and hope to have them enjoy the same lifestyle they have created. The majority of Canadians implementing these strategies are households earning $200,000 a year and have a net worth of over $2 million, including real estate.

The amount parents have gifted their children has changed dramatically with the inflation changes over the years. In the 1980s, a gift for a down payment averaged $10,000, but today that amount is between $200,000 and $500,000!
According to mortgage insurer Genworth Financial, 40 per cent of first time home buyers in Vancouver had help from their parents, compared to 22 per cent in the rest of Canada.

These strategies are often not commonly considered and depending on the mortgage-provider choices you make early on, having a provider like the Angela Calla Mortgage Team that focuses on these wealth building strategies will help you avoid missing opportunities. Mainly because these are practices implemented by the team members personally.

Anybody can get you a mortgage, however, a proactive provider can assist you and show you what the wealthiest Canadians are doing so you don’t not miss opportunities.

Angela Calla, AMP, is host of The Mortgage Show on Saturdays at 7 pm on CKNW, one of Canada’s Top Mortgage Professionals, a Woman of Influence  and a CMP ‘Young Gun’. She has been helping Canadians avoid costly mistakes with mortgages and taking the fear out of financing for over 13 years from her Port Coquitlam Office. She can be reached at 604-802-3983 or

6 Deadly Financial Mistakes Canadians Make

General Angela Calla 13 Jun

6 Deadly Financial Mistakes Canadians Make

Most working Canadians have a middle-class income range. This income class includes teachers, firefighters, plumbers, engineers, nurses, construction managers, and chefs – workers from across the professional spectrum. They provide and consume the bulk of services that keep society afloat, driving economic growth and investment with every purchase.

The middle class also has great challenges. Wages have been stagnant and the cost of housing and everyday goods puts a squeeze on the average budget, leaving 6 out of 10 Canadians living paycheque-to-paycheque with most accumulating debt.

In part, this has to do with everyday life and the growing demands of our set of unique challenges. However, we need to “control the controllable” and be smart and strategic to get ahead.

1. Spend within your means
Most people keep a balance at month’s end on their credit cards and lines of credit – some out of necessity, but some by choice because they want to keep up with the Joneses or fill an emotional void. If you are trying to get ahead financially, ask yourself what your plan is to get rid of that debt. It should not be something that is with you to carry over a balance. It’s time to assess your lifestyle and how you are using your home equity and the market to your advantage if you own a home.
Holding the debt is a costly mistake – most debts outside a mortgage charge interest ranging from more than 5% to 19%. Credit is an important part of life and you need it. The biggest life hack is to pay it in full every month with an auto setup payment – this one strategy saves costs, debt, and stress.

2. An emergency fund is a must
Ask yourself this, what would happen right now if your car broke down, your house needed a new roof, or you lost your job? Most Canadians would have to go to credit cards or lines of credit.
You need 6 months of expenses put aside, period. If you don’t have this you will begin a cycle of debt. There are ways to do this automatic withdrawal into an account from your paycheque or when your mortgage renewal is up.

3. Giving your retirement a raise and start in high school
Consider how long wages have felt stagnant while the cost of everything goes up. When you are young and your wages go up, increase your retirement contribution. Get compound interest working for you. Time is your friend. By saving a percentage automatically by paying yourself first, your investment grows your options.
There are tax-free savings accounts and RRSP’s that will begin the foundation of your financial future. It should start from the moment you get your first job, then when you fast forward through your 20s to 50s, your investment doesn’t have to be as large. Life will throw you enough challenges at that time to deal with, and you already have time and compound interest working for you, and you are in front of it, not chasing to catch up.

4. Relying on RRSP’s, OAS and CPP
Contributing to tax-advantaged products is one component of investing, but there are restrictions. Also, future government income plans are always going to be changing. Having a proactive mortgage and finance plan will allow you to get your assets working for you, so you can have multiple streams of income. Being self-sufficient is empowering, then if and when the other options are still available and advantageous, they are a bonus and you are in control based on your proactive abilities.

5. Spending too much on depreciating assets
The average Canadian spends $570 a month on a new car payment. This can go up to as much as $1,400 per month- that’s just for the car, not insurance, gas, or maintenance. The problem is that it’s a depreciating asset. To put it into perspective, that range in payment takes away qualification for a whopping $150,000 to $400,000 in mortgage amount qualification.
For someone in the middle class who intends to buy a home, which is an appreciating asset, the car payment should be the absolute lowest priority and should be avoided whenever possible. Think of the power you could have saving that kind of money or having it in an income-generating asset.

6. Having a will and keeping it current
Your will should include your up-to-date investments, insurance policies, real estate and family gems. With life happening so quickly, it’s easy to let a few years fly by, but then things can get messy. You don’t want your hard-earned money in the hands of anyone but for whom it’s intended.
If you want to learn more, a recently published study by Point2 Homes investigates whether various Canadian professions earn enough to live comfortably with a mortgage.

Angela Calla, AMP, is host of The Mortgage Show on Saturdays at 7 pm on CKNW, one of Canada’s Top Mortgage Professionals, a Woman of Influence  and a CMP ‘Young Gun’. She has been helping Canadians avoid costly mistakes with mortgages and taking the fear out of financing for over 13 years from her Port Coquitlam Office. She can be reached at 604-802-3983 or

I feel duped- banks-deceptive-titles-put-investments-at-risk CBC Go Public reports

General Angela Calla 30 Mar

Mike Black says he feels “completely betrayed” after trusting RBC Dominion Securities employees with impressive-sounding titles to manage his life savings, only to earn far below the market average for six years.

“I worked 35 years at two jobs and saved up a considerable amount due to the fact that I didn’t have a pension and would need money for retirement,” said Black, who managed to put away nearly $1 million.

An RBC “financial advisor” — “advisor” with an “o” rather than an “e” is important, but more on that later — invested his money in mutual funds, but when the portfolio performed poorly for three years and Black threatened to leave the bank, he was sent to an RBC “vice-president” who would manage his money.

Black received a financial plan that claimed his nest egg would earn “about six per cent in annual interest” when invested in different mutual funds, mostly owned by RBC.
His investments actually earned less than three per cent and cost Black more than $30,000 in fees over six years.

“How is it that you end up getting a return of this kind over this period of time, when this is to be managed by a professional and we pay such high fees?”

‘All they are doing is selling what the bank wants them to sell.’
– Mike Black, RBC investor
Turns out, the RBC vice-president was actually licensed as something called a “dealing representative” — a salesperson.

“I feel duped,” Black said. “My portfolio is my pension. All they are doing is selling what the bank wants them to sell.”

In an email to Go Public, RBC said its “internal review found that the portfolio was appropriate based on the risks and objectives the client communicated to us.”

Deceptive employee titles

A recent report by the Small Investor Protection Association found there are 121,000 people registered as financial professionals in Canada, and the vast majority are registered as dealing representatives — salespeople licensed to sell financial investments.

Only about 4,000 of these registered financial professionals have a fiduciary duty, which is a legal obligation to act in the client’s best interest.
Larry Elford says thousands of bank employees across Canada are salespeople with fancy titles. (Dave Rae/CBC )

“The game today is to earn clients’ trust,” said Larry Elford, a former certified investment manager with RBC and lead researcher of the SIPA report. “And never let them know that you are actually a commissioned salesperson and you don’t have to honour that trust.”

The stakes are high, says Elford, who points out that a two per cent management fee on mutual funds typically cuts an investor’s retirement fund by about half over a 35-year period.

What’s in a vowel?

A common trick for misleading customers, according to Elford, is the banking industry’s use of the term “financial advisor” — spelled with an “o.”

He says “advisor” is an unregulated title that anyone can use, whereas the title “adviser” — spelled with an “e” — can only be used if the employee has a fiduciary responsibility to the client.

“Advisors can sell you the third, fourth, fifth or least beneficial product to you,” Elford said. “They do that a great deal of the time if it makes them more commissions, or if their bank manager is telling them they need to sell more of the house-brand product.”

The Ontario Securities Commission confirms that “adviser” is a legal term under securities law that describes a person or company that is registered to give advice about securities, whereas “advisor” is not.

In an email to Go Public, the Canadian Securities Administrators confirmed that it does not regulate most titles used by employees in the financial industry.

‘It’s completely about selling’

Many bank employees who’ve contacted Go Public say they act more like salespeople than anything else because of pressures from “high up” to hit revenue targets. CBC is concealing their identities to protect their jobs.

“I would say 90 per cent of my day is trying to hit targets,” said a financial services representative at TD Bank.

“I have to go [meet with] my manager daily and go through each customer that’s scheduled for me and see how many ‘units’ I can get from that customer.”

‘I had zero training and had to learn on the go.’
– TD financial advisor who recently quit
She says if a client has money in a savings account, she’s encouraged to get them to buy TD mutual funds instead of giving financial advice she thinks would be better, such as paying down a credit card or high-interest loan.

“It’s completely about selling,” she said.

A TD financial advisor who quit last month says he was “thrown into the role” and expected to learn on the job.
A TD financial services representative who contacted Go Public said 90 per cent of her day is spent trying to hit sales targets. (Chris Wattie/Reuters)

“I had zero training and had to learn everything on the go,” he said.

A CIBC financial advisor says he spends his day selling investments that may not be in his customers’ interests, even though they think they’re getting impartial advice.

“The term financial advisors is bank jargon for salesperson,” he said. “At least in other industries they are more open about it. You sell cars? Well, you are a car salesperson. We are not advising people on anything. We are just trying to make sales.”

Employees at Canada’s 5 big banks speak out about pressure to dupe customers
TD teller says customers pay price for ‘unrealistic’ sales targets
An RBC branch manager in B.C. says tellers are now called “client advisors,” and are required to get a licence to sell mutual funds.

“How do you expect a 20-year-old employee who’s getting paid $12 an hour to provide advice with the title ‘client advisor,’ when they’re really just equipped to sell? It’s not fair to anybody … you’re putting clients at risk.”

In a statement, RBC says it “stands behind the advice and support” its “investment advisors provide to clients.”

Bank employees at all levels at BMO and Scotiabank told Go Public they, too, feel their titles are misleading because they’re mostly under pressure to sell bank-owned mutual funds and other products to boost the bottom line.

In previous statements to Go Public, TD, CIBC and Scotiabank said their clients are their top priority and they expect their employees to behave ethically.

‘Self-regulating doesn’t work very well’

Stan Buell, founder of the Small Investor Protection Association, says he’s heard too many stories from people who thought a financial advisor was going to look out for their best interests.
Stan Buell, founder of the Small Investor Protection Association, says bank employees should be called salespeople if that’s their role.

“I’ve talked to hundreds and hundreds of people who’ve been victimized,” Buell said. “And every one trusted their advisor.”

He said he doubts any of the advisors were actually advisers — with an “e” and a fiduciary duty. “They’re all salespeople, trained in sales.”

He says banks and other financial institutions need tougher regulations.

“Self-regulating doesn’t work very well,” he said. “It must be an outside agency that is not composed of the industry to have the power to handle complaints, to investigate and authorize and even pay restitution for the victims of the financial institutions.”

As a start, Buell would like Canada’s big banks to be more transparent and call their employees salespeople, not “advisors” or other titles that suggest they’re working in the customer’s interest when they’re actually serving their employer.

Call centre employees for big banks reveal upsell pressures
ANALYSIS| Banks are businesses, and you are a profit centre
Mike Black says he took his money out of those fee-based accounts at RBC Dominion Securities and hopes for better luck with his next investment.

But his experience has left him shaken.

“I’ve always been very trusting, conscientious, both me and my wife. We’ve walked the walk. And quite frankly, I feel like it’s been a hit and run.”

Hear how we saved Stewart of Coquitlam’s family of 5 $1,800.00 per month

General Angela Calla 30 Mar Hear from 2nd time client of #Coquitlam Stewart that we helped redo his mortgage and save $ 1,800.00 a month which sure helps being #selfemployed and having 3 little munchkins #wehaveamortgageforthat

The key to their success was coming to us for the right mortgage the 1st time, this allowed them to take advantage of future opportunities and changes in the market and lifestyle

The Angela Calla Mortgage Team gives you clarity on the best mortgage by being transparent, unbiased free mortgage advise with choice. We are here to help you personally with your mortgage at 604-802-3983 or

Hear how saving $950 a month with Angela Calla Mortgage Team help feels

General Angela Calla 30 Mar

Hear from our 2nd time client Vinny of #Vancouver that we helped save $950/ a month by redoing him mortgage from some debt he accumulated while working full time and going to school to change careers #wehaveamortgageforthat

The Angela Calla Mortgage Team gives you clarity on the best mortgage by being transparent, unbiased free mortgage advise with choice. We are here to help you personally with your mortgage at 604-802-3983 or

CBC News-‘I feel duped’: Why bank employees with impressive but misleading titles could cost you big time

General Angela Calla 30 Mar

Mike Black says he feels “completely betrayed” after trusting RBC Dominion Securities employees with impressive-sounding titles to manage his life savings, only to earn far below the market average for six years.
“I worked 35 years at two jobs and saved up a considerable amount due to the fact that I didn’t have a pension and would need money for retirement,” said Black, who managed to put away nearly $1 million.

An RBC “financial advisor” — “advisor” with an “o” rather than an “e” is important, but more on that later — invested his money in mutual funds, but when the portfolio performed poorly for three years and Black threatened to leave the bank, he was sent to an RBC “vice-president” who would manage his money.

Black received a financial plan that claimed his nest egg would earn “about six per cent in annual interest” when invested in different mutual funds, mostly owned by RBC.

Been Wronged? Contact

His investments actually earned less than three per cent and cost Black more than $30,000 in fees over six years.

“How is it that you end up getting a return of this kind over this period of time, when this is to be managed by a professional and we pay such high fees?”

Turns out, the RBC vice-president was actually licensed as something called a “dealing representative” — a salesperson.
“I feel duped,” Black said. “My portfolio is my pension. All they are doing is selling what the bank wants them to sell.”

In an email to Go Public, RBC said its “internal review found that the portfolio was appropriate based on the risks and objectives the client communicated to us.”

Deceptive employee titles

A recent report by the Small Investor Protection Association found there are 121,000 people registered as financial professionals in Canada, and the vast majority are registered as dealing representatives — salespeople licensed to sell financial investments.   

Only about 4,000 of these registered financial professionals have a fiduciary duty, which is a legal obligation to act in the client’s best interest.

“The game today is to earn clients’ trust,” said Larry Elford, a former certified investment manager with RBC and lead researcher of the SIPA report. “And never let them know that you are actually a commissioned salesperson and you don’t have to honour that trust.”

The stakes are high, says Elford, who points out that a two per cent management fee on mutual funds typically cuts an investor’s retirement fund by about half over a 35-year period.
What’s in a vowel?
A common trick for misleading customers, according to Elford, is the banking industry’s use of the term “financial advisor” — spelled with an “o.”

He says “advisor” is an unregulated title that anyone can use, whereas the title “adviser” — spelled with an “e” — can only be used if the employee has a fiduciary responsibility to the client.
“Advisors can sell you the third, fourth, fifth or least beneficial product to you,” Elford said. “They do that a great deal of the time if it makes them more commissions, or if their bank manager is telling them they need to sell more of the house-brand product.”

The Ontario Securities Commission confirms that “adviser” is a legal term under securities law that describes a person or company that is registered to give advice about securities, whereas “advisor” is not.

In an email to Go Public, the Canadian Securities Administrators confirmed that it does not regulate most titles used by employees in the financial industry.
‘It’s completely about selling’ Many bank employees who’ve contacted Go Public say they act more like salespeople than anything else because of pressures from “high up” to hit revenue targets. CBC is concealing their identities to protect their jobs.

“I would say 90 per cent of my day is trying to hit targets,” said a financial services representative at TD Bank.

“I have to go [meet with] my manager daily and go through each customer that’s scheduled for me and see how many ‘units’ I can get from that customer.”

She says if a client has money in a savings account, she’s encouraged to get them to buy TD mutual funds instead of giving financial advice she thinks would be better, such as paying down a credit card or high-interest loan.

“It’s completely about selling,” she said.

A TD financial advisor who quit last month says he was “thrown into the role” and expected to learn on the job.

“I had zero training and had to learn everything on the go,” he said.
A CIBC financial advisor says he spends his day selling investments that may not be in his customers’ interests, even though they think they’re getting impartial advice.

“The term financial advisors is bank jargon for salesperson,” he said. “At least in other industries they are more open about it. You sell cars? Well, you are a car salesperson. We are not advising people on anything. We are just trying to make sales.”

An RBC branch manager in B.C. says tellers are now called “client advisors,” and are required to get a licence to sell mutual funds.
“How do you expect a 20-year-old employee who’s getting paid $12 an hour to provide advice with the title ‘client advisor,’ when they’re really just equipped to sell? It’s not fair to anybody … you’re putting clients at risk.”
In a statement, RBC says it “stands behind the advice and support” its “investment advisors provide to clients.” 

Bank employees at all levels at BMO and Scotiabank told Go Public they, too, feel their titles are misleading because they’re mostly under pressure to sell bank-owned mutual funds and other products to boost the bottom line.
In previous statements to Go Public, TD, CIBC and Scotiabank said their clients are their top priority and they expect their employees to behave ethically. 

‘Self-regulating doesn’t work very well’
Stan Buell, founder of the Small Investor Protection Association, says he’s heard too many stories from people who thought a financial advisor was going to look out for their best interests.

“I’ve talked to hundreds and hundreds of people who’ve been victimized,” Buell said. “And every one trusted their advisor.”

He said he doubts any of the advisors were actually advisers — with an “e” and a fiduciary duty. “They’re all salespeople, trained in sales.”
He says banks and other financial institutions need tougher regulations.

“Self-regulating doesn’t work very well,” he said. “It must be an outside agency that is not composed of the industry to have the power to handle complaints, to investigate and authorize and even pay restitution for the victims of the financial institutions.”

As a start, Buell would like Canada’s big banks to be more transparent and call their employees salespeople, not “advisors” or other titles that suggest they’re working in the customer’s interest when they’re actually serving their employer.

Mike Black says he took his money out of those fee-based accounts at RBC Dominion Securities and hopes for better luck with his next investment.
But his experience has left him shaken.  

“I’ve always been very trusting, conscientious, both me and my wife. We’ve walked the walk. And quite frankly, I feel like it’s been a hit and run.”

The Angela Calla Mortgage Team gives you clarity on the best mortgage by being transparent, unbiased free mortgage advise with choice. We are here to help you personally with your mortgage at 604-802-3983 or