Mortgage Renewal Webinar

General Angela Calla 16 Sep

The Bank of Canada has made it clear they are not done with interest rate hikes. We want to ensure that those up for mortgage renewals in the next 24 months take extra care when navigating the market to ensure the best mortgage strategy. If a renewal date is coming up for you or a […]

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Opinion: How high should interest rates go and how fast?

General Angela Calla 13 Sep

Should Bank of Canada continue to hike rates aggressively or take a more cautious approach? There are good arguments on both sides The Bank of Canada continued its tightening cycle last week by announcing a 75-basis-point increase in its overnight rate target. That target is now above the top end of the Bank’s estimate of […]

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Consumer Matters: Remortgaging during soaring interest rates

General Angela Calla 9 Sep

Recently we were interviewed by Global News to talk about the surging remortgaging numbers as interest rates continue to increase. “People are going from being in fixed rates of two percent to the high fours and  even fives, so on a $500,000 mortgage you could see a payment increase of up to $500 a month” […]

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Fall Home Prep!

General Angela Calla 9 Sep

With Fall just around the corner, here are some of my favourite (and helpful!) home prep tips to help you be ready for the upcoming season. Following these tips will ensure everything continues running well into the colder months! Inspect Your Gutters: This time of year it is important to clean and inspect your gutters […]

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Back-to-School Credit Clean-Up!

General Angela Calla 8 Sep

It’s time to go back to school… for your finances! The fall is the perfect time for a credit clean-up so that you are ready for the holiday spending season – and anything else the year can throw at you! When it comes to cleaning up credit, there is no better time than now to […]

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Bank of Canada Announcement – September 2022

General Angela Calla 7 Sep

As expected, the Bank of Canada has raised its prime rate by 0.75%. What this means is that your monthly payments will increase by approx. $42 per $100,000 on your mortgage if you are on a variable rate mortgage. Here is the Bank of Canada statement. What this translates to is a prime rate held by most banks of 5.45%. As always, fixed-rate […]

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Understanding Mortgage Trigger Points

General Angela Calla 6 Sep

As we move into the Fall market, there are some important things you should be aware of. While inflation has now likely peaked, we will still be dealing with the repercussions from these heightened levels for a while before things balance out. As inflation is corrected, we are also seeing home prices moving back to […]

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What happens when a buyer backs out of a real estate deal?

General Angela Calla 2 Sep

When it comes to backing out of a real estate deal, the law doesn’t tend to side with the dealbreaker, says Ron Butler, a veteran mortgage broker and one of the founders of Butler Mortgage in Toronto. If you’re the buyer, “You should find a way to complete the sale—beg, borrow, do whatever you need […]

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Canada’s housing market is cooling. Here’s what to expect this fall

General Angela Calla 31 Aug

After fuelling Canada’s economy through the COVID-19 pandemic, the real estate market is showing signs of weakness as home prices fall and bidding wars dissipate. It’s welcome news for prospective buyers hoping for a better price. But as the busy fall season nears, realtors and economists are at odds over how long the pricing slide will last and how low it will go. […]

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