Buyers will be the winners in Economic turmoil

General Angela Calla 17 Aug

Canada’s real estate market is now expected to grow this year rather than decline, as buyers take advantage of continued low interest rates that are intended to offset recent economic turmoil, economists said Tuesday.  The comments came after the Canadian Real Estate Association revised its 2011 national forecast for home resales, citing stronger than expected […]

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Alot has happened since July 20th 2011

General Angela Calla 17 Aug

Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney is expected to confirm the obvious Friday when he speaks for the first time in almost a month: Canada’s economy is slowing down. A lot has happened since July 20th, the last time Carney spoke publicly. Then, on the heels of his latest economic forecast, he said Canada’s recovery […]

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Housing boom is expected with stock market drop

General Angela Calla 10 Aug

The upside in a global stock market rout may ironically be a healthier housing market – at least in the short term, say economists. “The housing market has nine lives. Every time interest rates are supposed to go down, something happens and it helps to keep the market going,” said Benjamin Tal, senior economist at […]

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Understanding falling rates August 2011-Angela Calla

General Angela Calla 9 Aug

What do falling rates mean for borrowers? This clearly falls into the 88% of the time where borrowers get significantly ahead by having a variable-rate mortgage. With the mess in the US expected to take several years to get sorted out, we’re in an unprecedented time where we can safely assume rates will remain low. […]

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U.S. will take a long time to dig out of this hole

General Angela Calla 8 Aug

By David Olive Business Columnist How to put this politely? While not a deadbeat, the U.S. is no longer among the world’s most creditworthy nations. America now has a lower credit rating than Liechtenstein. And the Toronto-Dominion Bank. Mind you, that’s a matter of opinion. On Friday, U.S. credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s for […]

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A short term solution for the US?

General Angela Calla 3 Aug

The US stepped back from the brink of default on Tuesday, but congressional approval of a last-ditch deficit-cutting plan failed to dispel fears of a credit downgrade and future tax and spending feuds.  President Barack Obama and lawmakers from across the political divide expressed relief over the hard-won compromise to raise the country’s borrowing authority […]

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5 Smart Steps every new homeowner should take

General Angela Calla 3 Aug

Turning the key in a lock that no landlord has access to, reading in a hammock in your own backyard and painting your dining room bright red – what could be more exciting than making the leap from renter to first-time homeowner? Getting swept up in all the excitement is a wonderful feeling, but some […]

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Lower Fixed Mortgage Rates Coming

General Angela Calla 3 Aug

Yields crash = lower fixed mortgage rates coming. The five-year bond yield nose-dived 16 bps yesterday, crashing through “support” at 2%. It’s the biggest plunge in yields since March 2009.   Yields are hurtling lower in response to a slew of negatives, including: “Austerity measures” (spending cuts) built into Congress’ debt agreement. Those will drag […]

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Appraisal VS Home Inspection

General Angela Calla 1 Aug

Both an appraisal and a home inspection are important steps of the home-buying process, so it’s well worth your effort to distinguish the differences between them and how they can uncover detailed information about the home’s value and condition.   AppraisalEssentially, home appraisal is a survey activity performed by a professional in order to develop an […]

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