Selecting the right mortgage term

General Angela Calla 1 Aug

Selecting the mortgage term that’s right for you can be a challenging proposition for even the savviest of homebuyers, as terms typically range from six months up to 10 years. By understanding mortgage terms and what they mean in dollars and sense, you can save the most money and choose the term that is best […]

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Global debt affects us in 2 ways

General Angela Calla 27 Jul

The debt problems of the global financial system are your problems. So pay down your credit card, credit line and mortgage. Making your household balance sheet tidier has the fortunate spillover effect of saving our economy.  From what? Just look at what’s happening in the US: The housing market is a disaster, weak consumer spending […]

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Stay Variable or lock in?

General Angela Calla 27 Jul

With anticipated interest rate increases on the horizon, many homeowners are wondering whether to lock debt such as mortgages and secured lines of credit into a fixed-rate mortgage or stay variable.   Even some who are mortgage free are concerned with how rate increases will impact secured lines of credit, the financing of vacation homes and […]

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Experts encouraging home ownership

General Angela Calla 27 Jul

Owning the roof over your head should still be a goal for most Canadians as paying rent is like paying someone else’s mortgage, experts say.    The Bank of Canada gave its clearest signal last week that interest rates are set to rise, while a growing number of real estate watchers and some economists are […]

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Real Estate Investing & Mortgage Tips- Angela Calla

General Angela Calla 26 Jul

  If you’ve been thinking about investing in real estate, there are some important things to keep in mind when it comes to where you decide to invest, how best to position your mortgage and why it’s important not simply to seek the lowest available rate.  As always, location is a key component to any […]

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Dollar within striking distance of modern-day high

General Angela Calla 22 Jul

TORONTO (Reuters) – The Canadian dollar looks set to extend a rally that’s taken it to 3-1/2 year highs against the U.S. dollar this week, as more hawkish Bank of Canada comments lifted the currency and global investors pushed into the safety of Canadian assets. Given the central bank’s clear signal it would likely resume […]

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RRSP’s vsTFSA decisions for homebuyers

General Angela Calla 20 Jul

Add RRSPs versus TFSAs to the list of decisions you have to make as a prospective homebuyer.    Some serious saving is going to be required to meet the minimum 5% down payment for buying a home, not to mention the 20% threshold for avoiding costly mortgage default insurance. Two ideal vehicles for saving are […]

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Two Canadian Economists weigh in on US debt ceiling

General Angela Calla 20 Jul

The world is watching as negotiations to raise the US debt ceiling drag on towards the August 2nd deadline. Republicans recently proposed a plan to be voted on this week, hinging on cuts and caps, but the acrimony over spending or taxes continues.   Two Canadian economists have weighed into the debate, with editorials. While […]

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Why Canadian mortgage rates are on a roller coaster

General Angela Calla 20 Jul

Tom Fennell Yahoo Finance  If there’s one question being kicked around the barbecue more than any other this summer, it’s probably this: should I lock in my variable rate mortgage? But with interest rates bouncing around, to the point where they make a mortgage-rate chart look more like the diagram of a rollercoaster, homeowners can […]

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