Understand How Your Mortgage Is Registered

General Angela Calla 11 Oct

Every mortgage secured by a property will be registered with the land title office.There are two ways your mortgage can be registered on title: Standard charge or collateral charge.  Not long ago, most lenders registered all mortgages as a standard charge.  In recent years, some lenders – mainly the major big banks – have moved […]

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4 Positive Considerations From The Federal Changes

General Angela Calla 7 Oct

The rule changes came as a surprise to some, but to us mortgage experts, this is the normal cycle in business that makes us grateful to be experts that lead with clarity. The reality is, the announcement is unpopular because it reduces options for some home buyers.     However, I must ask you to consider the […]

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Angela Calla Gives Sound Advise to 1st Timers As Seen in The Globe & Mail

General Angela Calla 6 Oct

How does a first timer get into the market? Start with sepaking with a mortgage professional. Read the full article that was published here: http://www.therac.ca/content/sound-creative-solutions-for-first-time-homebuyers   Summary below, The same principles apply in the Vancouver region, says mortgage professional Angela Calla, who is also the host of The Mortgage Show on CKNW Radio. “A one-bedroom condo in […]

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See How Much Mortgage You Get With Your Income

General Angela Calla 6 Oct

Oct 6th 2016 In today’s market many Canadian’s want to know, what options they actually have. Below is a table of 11 examples of approximately what your income qualifies you for in mortgage. Keep in mind if you carry debt outside your mortgage this will decrease your amount and if you’re self-employed you may show […]

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