3 steps-how to own in your 20

General Angela Calla 11 Apr

There are many factors being overlooked by the media frenzy focusing on how unaffordable real estate is these days.

 Of course housing is more expensive than it was for our grandparents! Everyone has a similar family comparison of how a grandparent or aunt paid $50,000 for a home in 1954 and sold it for $600,000 in 2010! That’s a lot of years for home prices to rise!

 Have Canadians forgotten about the tax shelter that home ownership provides?

 We have TFSAs and RRSPs, but they can only help so much, especially when you have to invest, in most cases, after you have paid your housing expense.

 Real estate is often overlooked for tax reduction and deferral, let alone income generation and inflation protection.

 In the example above of the home purchased in 1954 and sold in 2010, there was $550,000 in equity that is Tax Free! Who can argue that doesn’t provide a good future lifestyle for whatever life can throw at you?

 Let’s take a look into the life of these homeowners who had four children and were able to help all of them with a down payment for their first homes.

 As they aged, they also ran into some health problems. They eventually ended up in long-term care, which cost $5,000 a month. No surprise that isn’t covered by a pension!

 They could go to their children. They have $5,000 a month to spare, right?! Not likely.

 Take a look at what you net on your income:

$50,000 gross = 40,465 net

 Are you depressed yet?

 To find your tax bracket, use the following chart: http://retirehappy.ca/marginal-tax-vs-average-tax

 How could you get that if you rent?

 Here is the profile of how to build this for yourself in your 20s in a year:

Earning $32,000/year ($16/hour full time).

Step 1: Save $12,000 – get aggressive by saving $1,000 per month! Live at home, take a bus, and do whatever it takes. If you have an excuse, you don’t want it badly enough.

Step 2: Buy a two-bedroom condo for $200,000 in either the Tri-cities, Surrey, Delta, Langley, Maple Ridge or Pitt Meadows. A member of our team will find one for you – and protect you with the best mortgage.

Acc Bi weekly mortgage payments = $478. MUST increase to $574 accelerated bi-weekly.

This mortgage paid off in approx 12 years!

Insurance and additional ways to pay your mortgage off faster:

Rent a room to your brother, co-worker, a student, etc, or even rent out your parking spot

Step 3: You now have $200,000 in Tax-Free money to build more wealth in your early thirties – Yes, please! (This is provided the property didn’t even increase in Value, which is unlikely over 12 years!)

Real estate is not a gamble long-term. Stop making excuses today! If you don’t make excuses, you can have it – I did this!

6 Details Banks Don’t Tell You That Cost Borrowers

General Angela Calla 8 Apr

Many borrowers have been focused on the wrong details when it comes to their mortgage. It’s NOT all about the interest rate. To focus solely on the interest rate can be a costly mistake. The difference between 10 basis points (eg, 3.39% vs 3.49%) on a $350,000 mortgage is a savings of $556 in interest throughout an entire 5-year term, and can actually cost you more than $18,000 by taking the lower rate!

There is a significant list of items that contribute to a larger cost by opting for the lowest rate without taking other factors into consideration.

Below are a few examples that clients were most surprised with this month:

1. If they have posted rates – the fees are at minimum double if not triple to exit your mortgage or make a change. Even if the lender beats the rate you’re getting upfront, it’s going to cost you! Example on a 300k mortgage $12k to exit vs $4500.

 2. Semi-monthly payments benefit the lenders, not you.

This is a trick that doesn’t help the borrower pay down the principal at all. We see time after time borrowers who “think” they were doing the right thing (accelerated bi-weekly payments, which actually help you pre-pay your mortgage an extra month’s worth of payments per year).  The borrower then gets stuck with that lender as they don’t have enough equity to move elsewhere. This can cause significant payment shock at the end of your term.

3. Life and disability insurance through your lender isn’t “really”portable.

True portability means that the insurance will follow your mortgage from lender to lender. Bank products only allow for portability If you remain with them, so this is a “half truth”. They may not be as competitive or have a product that suits you in the future. This is just another sales capture tactic. If you want true freedom, be sure to get independent insurance!

 4. Most lenders prefer to register a mortgage as a collateral charge that costs you money down the road.

Sure it has its place – it’s sold as a convenience – but be sure to read the fine print. You have to re-qualify and pay fees to access additional funds down the road. How is that convenient for you?

 5. Want the lender to include property taxes with your mortgage payment? Did you know they charge you for that option?

They also only pay your taxes annually, which means they’re sitting on your money. If you opt for automatic withdrawal from the city you live in directly, there can be up to a 1% discount. With some insured mortgages it’s mandatory for a while for them to collect your taxes and pay on your behalf, but it’s always best to keep your money in your control whenever you can!

6. Did you know that if you bought a home with mortgage insurance (most commonly but not always for a less than 20% down payment that is portable and you can do a top up?) The lender’s policy is to apply for new insurance to collect a new premium to increase the mortgage amount. They may not have the product you need the 2nd or 3rd time around if you qualify for a top up it saves you thousands. Also they have there own internal policies as to how long they will allow a transfer to happen with insurer’s. They are to avoid top up’s and get new policies…the price you can pay? On a 300k mortgage say for a self employed borrower $16,350.00 added to the 300 k instead of a few hundred dollars on average!

 The Angela Calla Mortgage Team can ensure you have clarity of all the pros and cons of the options out there for the lowest cost of home ownership contact us today at 604-802-3983 callateam@dominionlending.ca

Mortgage Freedom 10 years away for 37% of canadians

General Angela Calla 3 Apr

The dream of mortgage freedom is less than 10 years away for 37% of Canadian mortgage holders, according to Scotiabank’s Mortgage Landscape Study released yesterday.

More than two-thirds (68%) of mortgage holders have taken steps to pay off their mortgage faster, including increasing the frequency of regular payments (39%), increasing regular payment amounts (25%), and making additional lump sum payments (24%).

Of mortgage holders who agree that being mortgage-free faster is important (80%), the top cited reasons are to have more disposable income (30%), to pay off debt or to pay less interest (both 17%), and to save for retirement (11%).

The Angela Calla Mortgage Team puts a plan together to help every borrower become mortgage free as soon as possible with our on going mortgage plans and proactvie managment that is included with every mortgage done directly throught our team at no cost. Contact us today at callateam@dominionlending.ca 604-802-3983

Lower rates can cost you more

General Angela Calla 3 Apr

Borrowers beware

The 2.99% BMO five-year mortgage isn’t quite as good as it sounds.

BMO’s recent move to bring its rate below the psychologically significant 3% mark for fixed-rate five-year mortgages is being treated as a big deal because a similar move a year ago provoked then Finance Minister Jim Flaherty to admonish the bank. Joe Oliver, Flaherty’s successor, is taking a more laissez-faire attitude.


What BMO is offering until April 17th is a competitive rate in a mortgage with uncompetitive terms. Most important, you can’t break this mortgage before it comes up for renewal in five years unless you sell the property, refinance with BMO or do an early renewal into another BMO product. All the usual prepayment penalties would apply in these situations.


No Surprise every lender is out there to create a buzz. The Angela Calla Mortgage Team will get you the best mortgage that will save you the most amount of money over the term for the lowest cost of home ownership. Contact us at callateam@dominionlending.ca 604-802-3983

Real Estate as a Tax Shelter- often overlooked

General Angela Calla 11 Mar


Here’s a great article from the Financial Post – this echoes what i’ve been saying over the past few months and is a reminder of why real estate needs to become more integrated into the conversation around financial planning and wealth management.


The Angela Calla Mortgage Team is here to help you review your options at 604-802-3983 callateam@dominionlending.ca

Deal of the week @willingtwo #vancouver #realestate @cknw #mortgageshow

General Angela Calla 7 Mar

As heard on The Mortgage Show on CKNW with Angela Calla. To get pre approved for this property or any other purchase email us at callateam@dominionlending.ca or call 604-802-3983

This weeks deal of the week has been brought to you by:

Robert Boies Royal LePage Coronation West cell: 604 341 3009 t: willingtwo E-mail: robboies@royallepage.ca www.willingsellerwillingbuyer.com


Please note that properties like this move quickly and getting set up with Rob Boies directly robboies@royallepage.ca will keep you abreast of all of these types of opportunities meeting your specifications


Thanks for visiting

Angela Calla, AMP




BMO makes an 87,000.00 mistake

General Angela Calla 4 Mar


A Bank of Montreal customer is going public about how the bank wired $87,500 of his inheritance money to a scammer.


This article illistrates the mistakes banks can make and the run around they can give you “after the fact”

We love keeping them honest and are here to help you with your mortgage.

Contact The Angela Calla Mortgage Team 604-802-3983 callateam@dominionlending.ca

So called “Skip a Mortgage Payment”

General Angela Calla 28 Feb

Lenders are advertising the option of skipping a mortgage payment more often these days – with one major bank even creating a TV ad!

But unless this is your only option, it’s not recommended that you skip a payment because, like most ads that sounds too good to be true, this option is as well.

Here is a real cost example:

Current Mortgage Payment $1530, 30 years at 3.30% = $2442.87 in interest costs if not paid back.

The banks want you to think they’re advertising the option to skip a payment to do you a favour. But it’s important to realize that lenders are in the business of making money. They’re not going to create an ad that doesn’t benefit them in the long run.

And it’s not like you can simply choose to skip any payment at will when you need it most. You actually have to prepay your mortgage in order to take advantage of this mortgage vacation option.

You can miss a regular mortgage payment as long as you have already prepaid that amount by doubling up any mortgage payment, increasing your mortgage payments or making lump sum payments. It’s important to know how much you can prepay each year before making extra payments – this varies from lender to lender.

The number of eligible payments covered by your payment vacation will be based on a combination of your prepaid amount and your current regular monthly mortgage payment. There is also typically a maximum payment vacation permitted per mortgage term, regardless of how much you have prepaid your mortgage.

 Other considerations to think about when looking at the mortgage vacation option include:

•             Interest is capitalized (ie, interest is added to your outstanding principal balance)

•             Borrowers lose the benefit and interest cost savings of prepaying their mortgage once they use the mortgage vacation option

 If you happen to already be in arrears on your mortgage, you can’t take advantage of this option.

It’s always important to read the fine print and ask questions when using a tool advertised by your lender. Better yet, speak to your mortgage professional – we know the ins and outs of all the bank offerings and can help advise you on your best options.

 As independent, unbiased mortgage professionals, it’s our job to show transparency to ensure you have the right security, product, term and rate for your mortgage needs at the lowest overall cost, and with the most control in homeownership for the security you deserve.

Angela Calla, AMP

Dominion Lending Centres-Angela Calla Mortgage Team

Host of The Mortgage Show Saturdays at 7pm on CKNW AM980

Phone: 604-802-3983 Fax: 604-939-8795

“An introduction to someone you care about is a big responsibility…it’s also the biggest compliment a client can give us & it’s not taken lightly. We pledge to treat everyone that is referred to us with the utmost respect & professionalism”.


Reach my Team Chris Adkins & Denzil Anderson at 604-939-8777 & callateam2@dominionlending.ca


4 Main Points On Todays CMHC announcement.

General Angela Calla 28 Feb

Breaking News:

It has been announced today CMHC has decided to raise their mortgage insurance premiums.

Here are the 4 main takeaways:

1. This will increase the average purchaser with less than a 20% downpayment to have an increase in payment of approx $5 dollars a month as of May 1st 2014

2. This will affect any pre approval where the mortgage itself has not funded prior to that date.

3. This will not impact any already funded mortgages.

4. Genworth & Canada Guarentee will likely follow CHMC , they have not confirmed as of yet.

Its noteworthy CMHC has not raised premiums since the late 90’s and decreased their premiums back when Genworth decided to lower theirs a decade ago.

Working together with The Angela Calla Mortgage Team we will always ensure you save the most amount of money possible & receive timely information to help with clarity on your plans.

For the information straight from CHMC read : http://www.angelacalla.ca/blog_post?id=10591

More details at : http://m.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/cmhc-to-raise-mortgage-loan-premiums-may-1/article17159342/?service=mobile

If you have any questions on this change for you or someone that you care about The Angela Calla Mortgage Team is always a phone call 604-802-3983 or email away callateam@dominionlending.ca to help.


Angela Calla, AMP

Dominion Lending Centres-Angela Calla Mortgage Team

Host of The Mortgage Show Saturdays at 7pm on CKNW AM980

Phone: 604-802-3983 Fax: 604-939-8795

“An introduction to someone you care about is a big responsibility…it’s also the biggest compliment a client can give us & it’s not taken lightly. We pledge to treat everyone that is referred to us with the utmost respect & professionalism”.


Reach my Team Chris Adkins & Denzil Anderson at 604-939-8777 & callateam2@dominionlending.ca


Breaking News-Increase to CHMC premiums May 1-2013

General Angela Calla 28 Feb

28 February 2014

Increase in Mortgage Loan Insurance Premiums for Homeowner and
1 – 4 Unit Rental Properties – Effective May 1, 2014

As a result of its annual review of its insurance products and capital requirements, CMHC is increasing its mortgage loan insurance premiums for homeowner and 1- 4 unit rental properties to reflect its increased capital targets.
CMHC’s capital management framework is consistent with international practices and Canadian guidelines for mortgage insurers. Higher capital targets are consistent with Canadian and international industry trends and make the financial system more stable and resilient. As CMHC mortgage insurance is backed by taxpayers, capital holdings reduce Canadian taxpayers’ exposure to the housing market, and contribute to the long term stability of the financial system.
For the average Canadian homebuyer requiring CMHC-insured financing, the higher premium will result in an increase of approximately $5 to their monthly mortgage payment. This is not expected to have a material impact on the housing market.
Effective May 1, 2014, the premiums will increase by 15%, on average. The premiums** and premium surcharges will be as follows:


Standard Premiums

Loan-to-Value Ratio

Loan Amount

Increase to
Loan Amount

Up to and including 65%



Up to and including 75%



Up to and including 80%



Up to and including 85%



Up to and including 90%



Up to and including 95%



90.01% to 95% (Non-traditional Sources of Equity)



Self-Employed Borrowers without Third Party Validation of Income

Loan-to-Value Ratio

Loan Amount

Increase to
Loan Amount

Up to and including 65%



Up to and including 75%



Up to and including 80%



Up to and including 85%



Up to and including 90%




Rental Loans (1 – 4 Units)

Loan-to-Value Ratio

Loan Amount

Increase to
Loan Amount

Up to and including 65%



Up to and including 75%



Up to and including 80%



Note: Premiums shown with “*” do not apply for Refinance transactions.
**For purchase/new construction loan applications, the premium rate is applied to the Total Loan Amount. For portability and refinance loan applications, the premium is the lesser of the premium rate applied to the Increase to Loan Amount; or the premium rate applied to the Total Loan Amount.


Premium Surcharges

Extended Amortization Surcharge (for each 5 year period beyond 25 years)


Blended Amortization Surcharge


Conversion surcharge for self-employed borrowers without traditional documentation to support income verification


New premium rates will be effective for new mortgage loan insurance requests submitted on or after May 1, 2014. The current mortgage loan insurance premiums will apply for applications submitted to CMHC prior to May 1, 2014, regardless of the closing date. As is normal practice, complete borrower and property details must be submitted to CMHC when requesting mortgage loan insurance.
CMHC reviews its premiums on an annual basis and has adjusted them several times since being commercialized in 1998. Adjustments have included both increases and decreases to the premiums. Going forward, CMHC plans to announce decisions on premiums in the first quarter of each year.
To help you respond to consumer inquiries, CMHC has information available on the new premiums at www.cmhc.ca
Angela Calla Mortgage Team 604-802-3983 callateam@dominoinlending.ca