What You Need To Know About Deposits & Down Payments On A Purchase

General Angela Calla 20 Feb

When you write a contract to purchase a home, in the offer you’ll need to include a deposit amount, which you’ll agree to pay upon subject removal. This amount will then form part of the down payment upon closing.

 This amount does NOT have to be a specific percentage of the purchase price – it can be as little as $500-$2,500 dollars. This deposit amount makes no difference in the legal obligation you’re bound to once the subjects are removed. As a result, the amount should not hold merit to whether your offer is more attractive. Please review this link from the Real Estate Council of BC http://www.recbc.ca/psm_section/acting-for-sellers/ and here is the info specific about deposits.”

(i) Need for a Deposit

Contract law does not require that there be a deposit in order to create a binding Contract of Purchase and Sale. The requirement that a contract include some form of consideration is satisfied by the mutual exchange of promises by the seller and the buyer. However, it has long been recognized that including a deposit, often an amount between 5% and 10% of the offered price, represents an expression of the serious intention of the buyer.

The Council is aware that some buyers’ agents are drafting offers that do not provide for any deposit to be paid until after subject removal. One reason stated is a concern that the seller will not authorize the release of the deposit to the buyer if the buyer does not remove the subject clauses.

Some consumers, and perhaps even some licensees, are under the misconception that a Contract of Purchase and Sale is not binding on the parties until all subjects have been removed. The obligations under a contract are created once there has been an offer and acceptance (including counter-offers, if any). Some buyers believe that not including a deposit makes it easier for them to not proceed, if they choose, with their obligations under the agreement.

Buyers’ agents need to be cautious that buyers do not assume that, by not providing an initial deposit, they have somehow diminished their responsibility to make best efforts to satisfy the terms and conditions of the contract and to remove subject clauses.

It is the Council’s view that listing brokerages, in situations where buyers offer no deposit until removal of subject clauses, should advise sellers of the merits of a deposit being received from buyers. Increasing a deposit can be accomplished by way of a counter-offer from the seller.”

As you can see although it has become common for people to use 5-10% it is not required, and a seller can not just keep the deposit if something goes wrong.

This is especially helpful when the proceeds are coming from the sale of your property and you don’t want to pull money off of a credit card or line of credit – particularly in light of new mortgage changes that could give the lender the right to pull the approval if your balances owing on your credit report increase before closing.

 There are some new developments if you purchase a brand new property that requires specific structures for the deposit, which can be staggered in stages and would require you to provide higher deposit amounts. Your realtor may, however, be able to negotiate different terms. This should be discussed upfront during the preapproval process to ensure you protect yourself to the best of your ability by making a manageable deposit amount.

 Sources for deposit/down payment and timeline considerations:

RRSP – You’ll need to bring a Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP) withdrawal form to the lender that holds the RRSP, and give them 7-10 days to release your funds see the form here:  http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pbg/tf/t1036/README.html 

Investments – Best to allow 7-10 days as the required timeframe ranges depending on where investments are held. You must also ensure the market value is as expected upon cashing out your funds

Savings – Straightforward withdrawal

Gift – A gift letter will be required (most lenders have their own forms they want you to use) and then verification of the deposit into your account. Keep in mind that any deposit into your account above $2,500 is subject to further documentation. And if the gift is large, the lender has the right to seek further verification in accordance with the anti-money laundering act and OFSI guidelines (those who lend the gold make the golden rules!)

Upon subject removal, you’ll need to provide certified funds to your realtor, and forward a copy of the receipt to your AMP who is getting the mortgage approved for you.

See more helpful tips to ensure you don’t jeopardize your mortgage approval here: http://angelacalla.ca/blog_post?id=7733

Your AMP is here to help guide you through the mortgage process, and give you clarity throughout each step of the home-buying process.

Angela Calla, Mortgage Expert, AMP of the Year in 2009 and Host of The Mortgage Show on CKNW Saturday’s at 7pm. One of the most influential people in the mortgage industry for her sheer volume of people she helps save money on their mortgage, contributions she makes by consulting with Canadian’s national & regional lenders, insurers and media contributions. She and her Port Coquitlam, Port Moody & Vancouver team are here to help you personally at 604-802-3983 or callateam@dominionlending.ca

Highlights of BC Budget 2015- will your family save money?

General Angela Calla 17 Feb

Courtesy of CBC

The B.C. government tabled a surplus budget on Tuesday that contained a few small tax breaks for families, along with some modest increases for health care and education.

  • B.C. Budget 2015 full online coverage, from highlights to analysis
  • Budget surplus for 2014-15 to hit $879 million, nearly double earlier forecasts.
  • People on income or disability assistance will be able to keep all of their child support payments.
  • Children born since Jan 1. 2007, now eligible for one-time training and education savings grant of $1,200.
  • Early childhood tax benefit of $660 per year for children under six starts April 1.
  • Families eligible for a new PST tax credit on up to $250 worth of children’s sports equipment, worth $12.65 per child.
  • $564 million extra funding for education over three years, to meet terms of collective agreement with B.C. Teachers’ Federation.
  • Temporary personal income tax rate of 16.8 per cent on individuals earning over $150,000 eliminated, as scheduled on Jan 1. 2016.
  • $3 billion funding increase for health care over three years.
  • Medical Services Plan premiums will continue to rise by four per cent, to $75 per month for individuals, $136 for a family of two, and $150 for families of three or more.
  • No changes to BC Ferries funding, minimum wages or social assistance rates.

Questions on if you have the best suited mortgage for your family? The Angela Calla Mortgage Team is here to help you personally 604-802-3983 or callateam@dominionlending.ca


On mobile? Click here to see a chart of B.C.’s budgets over the years


Buying a home or someone you know is? 5 BIGGEST mistakes to avoid.

General Angela Calla 16 Feb

Buying a home is a huge investment, so you don’t want to complicate the process with errors. There are many things that can make your first home buying experience feel overwhelming, but learning how to overcome the obstacles will alleviate some stress and headaches. Here are the top five mistakes new home buyers make, and how you can avoid them.

1. Not Becoming Pre-Qualified

Getting pre-qualified for a mortgage allows you to understand the home prices you can afford.  In today’s market it’s a luxury to qualify for a variable rate mortgage which means you will qualify for less house in most cases. Understanding this means you won’t be searching above your means. It also proves that you’re a serious buyer. When you’re pre-qualified, you may place a bid immediately after you find the perfect home. Also, it gives a real estate agent a negotiating edge over other bidders. This involves providing income & down payment confirmation upfront in the application process. It’s important not to change your status in the meantime read: 9 ways to squash your mortgage approval http://angelacalla.ca/m/blog_post.php?id=7733  You STILL have to place subject to financing on your home, as the lender will require to approve the property even if they have approved you as the borrower. Remember they always reserve the right to ask for more information where they deem necessary at any point.

2. Not Understanding the Total Cost of Buying a House

Besides the face value, there are numerous costs associated with buying a home. One of the most expensive is closing costs. Normally, you’ll need up to 2.5 percent of the purchase price. This goes toward land transfer tax, property tax, property insurance and moving costs. Also, there’ll be costs associated with the home itself. Furniture, landscaping, and other renovations will require even more money. The biggest mistake home owners do not consider is strata fees and property taxes will only go up. If you own a detached house, you should still be putting money away each month for maintenance you will need down the road. People often think the mortgage rate is the most important factor when getting a mortgage. Actually it’s the terms the terms that outweigh the rate & lead to the lowest cost of homeownership. An example of costly exit fee’s that clients are not aware of & fall victim for an attractive rate on a 250k example that can really set you back if you deal with the banks directly on your own: http://www.angelacalla.ca/blog_post?id=12610

3. Not Requesting a Home Inspection

It’s extremely important for you to make an offer conditional on a professional home inspection. You certainly don’t want to purchase a home that’s filled with defects. If the results identify problems, you’ll be able to negotiate a lower price to offset repair costs.

4. Not Choosing the Best Payment Schedule

Depending on how much you can afford, it’s best to create a custom mortgage payment schedule. Paying a mortgage off quickly will save on interest. You can save a great deal of money by selecting a shorter amortization time frame. Even increasing the amount placed on a monthly payment will make a big difference in the end. However, longer amortization lowers the payments each month. This allows you more cash flow for fun things. Do not get fooled by an attractive rate, or bundle pricing see: costly mistakes we help you avoid http://www.angelacalla.ca/blog_post?id=8318 & Essential questions for your mortgage provider https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4akUAZOlufQ )

The standard home mortgage has a 25-year amortization period. To qualify for a longer time period, it will be necessary to make a larger down payment. The maximum time allowed is 30 years.

5. Not Using YOUR OWN Qualified Real Estate Agent

When you’re buying ANY home, it’s essential to consult with a professional real estate agent. One that ONLY has your best interest in mind. The listing agent of a house as well as developers/builders representative is CONTRACTUALLY obligated to work in the benefit of who hired them to get then the highest price. DO NOT BE FOOLED BY NON DISCLOSURE. These experts will work for you and make sure you’re paying a fair price. Also, they offer advice and will be able to locate homes that fill your individual wants and needs. When entering into a contract, real estate agents known what terms are necessary to include. Since they have your interests at heart, they’ll be able to negotiate the best deal. They’re the most important tool when it comes to any home buying. Listen here to Angela Calla & Rob Boies on CKNW The Mortgage Show interview here: http://webcms.dominionintranet.ca/user/uploads/1334/rob_interview_aug_23.mp3 and see more at www.angelacalla.ca/resources

After reviewing the common errors of new home buyers, it’ll be simple to get through the process without problems. You’ll be able to enjoy your dream investment and pay the mortgage without financial stress.

Angela Calla, Mortgage Expert, AMP of the Year in 2009 and Host of The Mortgage Show on CKNW Saturday’s at 7pm. One of the most influential people in the mortgage industry for her sheer volume of people she helps save money on their mortgage, contributions she makes by consulting with Canadian’s national & regional lenders, insurers and media contributions. She and her Port Coquitlam, Port Moody & Vancouver team are here to help you personally at 604-802-3983 or callateam@dominionlending.ca



General Angela Calla 10 Feb


What a relief. I can’t thank you enough. I am a single mom with 3 children that has always been a housewife. I didn’t foresee divorce in my future and felt devastated when we separated over the holidays. Things have not been amicable and my head was spinning. Everyone was giving me advise, and finally a friend of mine who you helped Patty, suggested to contact you. You let me know how to protect my credit to the best of my ability through the process and how that played a roll in me getting a mortgage. Then you walked me through a variety of senerios. One how we could come to terms with selling the house and what the equity and potential child and spousal support would allow me to qualify for.

You also educated me on how the terms I selected would play a role in what I qualified for and how we could plan to change that over the next 5 years by taking the right mortgage that doesn’t have high exit fee’s.

Then you came up with a solution I hadn’t considered that could keep the stress of selling and moving out of the picture entirely, pay out my ex, generate revenue and keep everything stable for my children.

All of which I didn’t know about before as everyone had advise that was making my head spin and me very stressed. You brought me empowerment through knowledge with clarity.

You were compassionate, supportive, understanding, the list of gratitude and praise goes on.

You evelvated my life. Things would be very different for me had I not gotten your specific help Angela. I am eternally thankful for your help for me and my children, and if anyone I really care about ever has any mortgage related question or need, I will share my experience and introduce you personally in an email to make sure they get all the benefits I was able to get from working with you and your team personally.

From the bottom of my heart, Thank you.

Jennifer of Maple Ridge



I am so happy, and want to share our experience! Being a new mom and having a year of mat leave our lives changed. Filled with excitement and new parenthood, we also had of course a decrease in our income and had some debt outside of our mortgage we were stressed and were stretched to the max. You had helped a girlfriend of mine Mellisa and she had introduced us over an email. When I got back to work, things were not the same. They changed my position, put my desk practically in the closet, we were financially strained, stressed I felt belittled and now had a day care expense on top of it. I thought, I am leaving my daughter for this?!

When we contacted you, you were able to redo our mortgage savings us $1675 a month. Enough to change our life completely. I was able to quit my job, stay home with our daughter, we had no more outside debt, so we save money monthly. It even improved our marriage as we are not financially stressed anymore, and get to spend quality time together. It also gave me an opportunity to take a step back and really plan my next career move when that is right again for our family, which is empowering. You taught us all kinds of ways with how the new mortgage plan you set up also has additional security built in and will save us more money down the road in the event of another life change.

We are so happy and thankful my friend ensured we dealt with you directly.

We will make sure to do the same for our friends and family.

Thank you for everything,

Laura and Tyler of Coquitlam.