Extra payment on your mortgage can mean substantial savings

General Angela Calla 1 Jul

Four in ten homeowners made an extra payment on their mortgage in the past year, Manulife Bank of Canada Debt Survey Shows subtantial savings.

Read the Full article and share HERE

Questions on determining the best mortgage for you and your future? The Angela Calla Mortgage Team is here to help call us at 604-802-3983 or callateam@dominionlending.ca We look forward to helping you.

Angela Calla in The Globe & Mail with Lead Article April 24th 2015

General Angela Calla 15 Jun

Angela Calla was featured on the Globe & Mail article entitled: “Low rates, high flexibility ” issued on April 23rd, 2015

“An impending mortgage renewal is also a good time to explore the range of options offered by various providers, says Angela Calla, a licensed mortgage professional at Dominion Lending Centres, which helps homeowners find the best mortgage offered by Canada’s largest banks, credit unions, trust companies and other financial institutions. She notes that licensed or accredited mortgage professionals are required by law to present the best mortgage options to their clients.

Ms. Calla cautions against making mortgage renewal decisions based solely on interest rates, especially when there’s a possibility that the mortgage will need to be modified partway through the term, due to a host of reasons ranging from a relocation, change in health or income, or a change in the interest rate market.

“Fixed-rate mortgages generally incur the highest penalties for future modifications,” she says. “Now some lenders are changing their terms to include high exit fees on variables.”

Waiting until the last minute – or even past the maturity date – to make a decision about mortgage renewal is not a good idea, she says. Most lenders will automatically put mortgages that have not been renewed into a six-month closed mortgage, “and your payments can suddenly triple,” says Ms. Calla.

“That creates pressure for you to sign something quickly,” she says. “The sooner you start thinking about your mortgage renewal – four months is ample time – and exploring all the options available to you, the better.”

Find the full article HERE

Want to ensure you have the best mortgage? The Angela Calla Mortgage Team can help you directly at 604-802-3983 or callateam@dominionlending.ca. Contact us today!




Who are Canada’s first-time home buyers and what are they spending?

General Angela Calla 11 Jun

Insightful video from BNN; First-time homebuyers purchased 45% of the 620,000 homes sold in the past 27 months, according to a new study by Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals (CAAMP).

View the full video HERE

The best mortgage plan is one that is developed by assessing your goals and life stage. The Angela Calla Mortgage Team will help you personally call us at 604-802-3983 or email callateam@dominionlending.ca




Ten obstacles to getting the best mortgage rate

General Angela Calla 11 Jun

Ten obstacles to getting the best mortgage rate – and as you all know –  Dominion Lending Centres can help you clear them all!

In your opinion, which is the BIGGEST obstacle of them all?

Read the full article from the Globe and Mail HERE

Questions on determining the best mortgage for you and your future? The Angela Calla Mortgage Team is here to help call us at 604-802-3983 or callateam@dominionlending.ca We look forward to helping you.

Canadians want to lock in their mortgages for longer

General Angela Calla 11 Jun

Canadians are recognizing that today’s historically low rates won’t last forever and some are looking for ways to bring predictability to their finances over the long term.

Read the full article from mortgages broker’s news HERE

Questions on determining the best mortgage for you and your future? The Angela Calla Mortgage Team is here to help call us at 604-802-3983 or callateam@dominionlending.ca We look forward to helping you.





You may not need to panic about million-dollar homes — even in Toronto and Vancouver

General Angela Calla 11 Jun

The million-dollar panic about prices has turned to outrage in Vancouver, where people generally blame overseas buyer for inflating prices. Vancouver’s mayor, Gregor Robertson, jumped into the fray last week with a letter to the premier asking the province to institute a luxury tax on expensive homes and apply the money to affordable housing.

Read the full article from the Financial Post HERE

The Angela Calla Mortgage Team gives you clarity on the best mortgage by being transparent, unbiased free mortgage advise with choice. We are here to help you personally with your mortgage at 604-802-3983 or callateam@dominionlending.ca





Alberta leads country in first-time homebuyers

General Angela Calla 11 Jun

55% of Alberta homes purchased in the past 27 months were by first-time buyers compared with the national average of 45% says the Calgary Herald. Read the full article HERE & share.

The best mortgage plan is one that is developed by assessing your goals and life stage. The Angela Calla Mortgage Team will help you personally call us at 604-802-3983 or email callateam@dominionlending.ca

Home price growth to slow: CMHC

General Angela Calla 5 Jun

Home prices will continue to rise, Canada Housing and Mortgage Corp. says, but a slower pace is in store amid an expected move to less costly houses.

View BNN’s awesome video HERE

Need a mortgage on a cottage? Here’s what lenders look for

General Angela Calla 5 Jun

The Globe & Mail had a timely piece on what lenders are looking for when people come to them to buy a recreational property. Perhaps these tips can help your clients?

  • proximity to a major market
  • proximity to water (lake or river)
  • access to property by road and not just water
  • four season property better than just single season
Read the full article HERE

The Canadian rich are getting richer, thanks to their houses

General Angela Calla 5 Jun

Some interesting points in this Financial Post article:

  • 36% of BMO high net work clients surveyed own a least one second property worth $708,539
  • many of those people are tapping into equity in their primary residence to fund those additional property purchases
  • most of these folks leverage their property and invest the money
Read the full article HERE