How the Proposed Mortgage Changes for Jan 2015 Will Affect You

General Angela Calla 15 Dec

          Over   the past several years, we have seen significant changes to the way that lenders qualify borrowers applying for mortgages – with each change making the mortgage qualification process progressively more challenging.    The latest proposed change for January 1st, 2015 would see existing unsecured debt payments (credit cards, lines of credit, etc) calculated using 3%   […]

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Pay off your mortgage or invest- some considerations

General Angela Calla 28 Nov

Your Age, life stage and need for access to funds and what you already have invested all play a roll in determining the best plan for you. If you have specific questions regarding your senerio The Angela Calla Mortgage Team is here to help and our service is free and without bias. Contact us at 604-802-3983 or […]

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Vancouvers Most Expensive Listings

General Angela Calla 28 Nov

Take a peak at Vancouvers most expensive listings here in Nov 2014 Courtesy of Vancouver Buzzfeed. Mortgage Questions? Contact The Angela Calla Mortgage Team 604-802-3983    

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How Much Can You Save Living In The Burbs

General Angela Calla 21 Nov

Here is a comparison to see what the price differences are in different regions.   Contact The Angela Calla Mortgage Team 604-802-3983

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Top 5 Money Mistakes Canadians Make

General Angela Calla 18 Nov

Biggest takeaways A balanced approach will result in financial success. Think of what you can manage not how much you can get. Each pay period should include a portion to go to savings from when canadians start working. Questions to ensure yoiu have the best mortgage plan? Contact The Angela Calla Mortgage Team 604-802-3983 or […]

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Importance Of Mortgage Portability

General Angela Calla 3 Nov

Selling your current home and   moving into a new one can be stressful enough, let alone worrying about your   current mortgage and whether you’re able to carry it over to your new home. Porting enables you to move to another property without having   to lose your existing interest rate, mortgage balance and […]

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Do you know what’s involved in a Collateral Charge Mortgage?

General Angela Calla 30 Oct

Collateral charge mortgages are also known as the mortgage that marries a borrower to one lender. Click here to watch a video from the Globe and Mail’s Rob Carrick that discusses collateral charge mortgages and what borrowers need to know about this option.  Questions on the best mortgage for you, call The Angela Calla Mortgage Team directly […]

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Getting a mortgage after bankruptcy or debt settlement

General Angela Calla 30 Oct

More than one in eight adult Canadians will declare bankruptcy or negotiate a debt settlement – consumer proposal – with creditors. That’s a lot of people with devastated credit. The majority of those people will want a mortgage at some point, but they’ll find their options are limited. Following the credit crisis, funding shrank for high-risk […]

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Have Mortgage Rule Makers Gone Too Far?

General Angela Calla 30 Oct

FORMER US FED CHAIRMAN CAN’T GET A MORTGAGE. Anyone remember this guy?  Ben Bernanke.   He’s just the former Chairman of the US Federal Reserve Bank. He served two terms from 2006 to 2014.   Earlier this month, he revealed that he was declined for a mortgage refinance.  Now, just to put this in perspective, he used […]

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Another Woeful Tale of Mortgage Penalties

General Angela Calla 9 Oct

When you deal with a lender directly for a mortgage this article below is the norm. Most clients though are unaware of how different lenders calculate thier penalties and we always work to show you the lowest exit cost for the mortgage you end up selecting from the choices presented. Angela Calla Mortgage Team 604-802-3983 […]

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