Premier Horgan has just announced a transition to Phase 3. Public health officials and WorkSafe BC have developed most of the guidance needed to safely open. The guidelines and extra safety precautions for sectors in Phase 2 are still in place, those that can begin a gradual re-opening of businesses include:
- hotels, motels, resorts, cabins, RV parks, etc.
- BC parks and overnight camping
- film industry (motion picture and TV production)
- some entertainment venues (ie. movie theatres)
- K-12 in-person classes (full-time in-class learning expected for September 2020)
This includes the safe return of travel and tourism within the province. More information on the Phase 3 rollout plan can be found here.
State of Emergency
Premier John Horgan announced that the state of emergency extended another two weeks.
Travel Within BC
If you are traveling within BC this summer, please plan ahead and be respectful. See travel guidelines laid out by the provincial health officer:
- pre-trip planning and research on available resources at arriving destination;
- respecting any local travel advisories to isolated and remote communities;
- no traveling for anyone who is sick, and if symptoms develop while traveling – self isolate immediately and contact 811 for guidance and testing;
- practicing safe physical distancing of two metres at all times;
- spending time in small groups and open spaces; and
- practicing good hygiene, including frequent handwashing and cleaning.
Additional information on travel can be found here.
Angela Calla is a 16-year award-winning woman of influence and mortgage expert. Alongside her team, Angela passionately assists mortgage holders in acquiring the best possible mortgage. She educates and empowers individuals on the “The Mortgage Show”, which she’s hosted for over a decade and is the best selling author of The Mortgage Code available on Amazon. All proceeds from her book sales are donated to Access Youth Outreach services, a local charity in our community supporting our youth.
Angela leads by example with passion and conviction. She is known as an industry expert on TV and radio and the go-to source for publishers across the Country. On top of all her achievements, Angela finds the time to be a loving wife and mother of two beautiful children.
For media interviews, speaking inquiries, or personal mortgage assistance, please contact Angela at or 604-939-8777.
