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3 reasons to protect yourself with a 10 year fixed term

General 21 Jun

5 year fixed interest rates have bumped up over 70 basis points in just  2 weeks, making the 10 year the best opportunity for borrowers to protect themselves.

With mortgage rates at all-time lows, it seems longer terms are making a comeback. It turns out that fashion isn’t the only thing that comes back into style!

In fact, 10-year fixed mortgage rates have never looked so sexy. If you owned a home in the 80s or 90s, you may notice the 10-year term comeback!

 Following are three reasons to consider a 10-year mortgage term:

 1. After 5 years, you only have to pay three months’ interest to get out of the mortgage. This is currently the lowest penalty available to for a fixed rate – much more attractive than facing a much higher interest rate differential (IRD) penalty!

 2. You don’t need the equity out of your home for your next purchase as you can buy again with a 5% down payment. For instance, if you purchase with 5% down, your property would have to go up over 25% for you to get equity to use as a down payment for a second home, which is not likely in five years.

But, you can turn your current condo into a rental and buy your next home with 5% down (with a combination of savings or a gift). Rental mortgages usually require a 20% down payment, whereas primary residences typically require just 5% down. Purchasing a condo to live in until you’re ready to buy another home, and then renting out the condo, is a great way to become a real estate investor without having to come up with a 20% down payment.

 3. If you’re on a fixed income, taking advantage of a longer term fixed-rate mortgage can definitely be beneficial. Currently, with our historically low interest rates, a five-year fixed rate is around 3.19% and 10-year is around 3.99%. So, if after 5 years rates have risen to 3.8% or higher (which is very likely), you would have been ahead taking the current 10-year.

Instead of guessing how much longer rates will remain at historic lows, if you’re on a fixed income, you know you’ll be paying the same rate for 10 years. And, chances are, after 10 years are up, you will be in better shape financially and have more equity in your home.

The return of the solid 10-year means you have options. It may not be the best option for everyone and the market may change in a few weeks to make it less attractive. I will show you how all the products apply to you to ensure you receive the best product for your goals!

Thanks for visiting

Angela Calla, AMP

Dominion Lending Centres-Angela Calla

Host of ” The Mortgage Show” Saturdays @ 7pm on CKNW AM980

Phone: 604-802-3983 Email:

* rates are subject to change and final approval