Financing Options & Grants for Home Renovations

General Angela Calla 4 Jul

There are many different reasons to renovate a home: to save energy (and save on utility bills), to make room for a growing family, to improve safety or increase the resale value of your home, or simply to bring a fresh new look to your home. There are also a number of different ways to […]

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3 reasons to protect yourself with a 10 year fixed term

General Angela Calla 21 Jun

5 year fixed interest rates have bumped up over 70 basis points in just  2 weeks, making the 10 year the best opportunity for borrowers to protect themselves. With mortgage rates at all-time lows, it seems longer terms are making a comeback. It turns out that fashion isn’t the only thing that comes back into style! In fact, […]

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Top 4 mistakes newlyweds make when getting a mortgage

General Angela Calla 21 Jun

Marriage is such an exciting milestone that offers so much hope for the future by uniting two partners to establish roots together. I have found that it’s important to consider the following when setting out on the marriage journey to ensure your financial house remains in order, since financial strain can put a lot of […]

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Purchase Plus Improvements

General Angela Calla 14 May

Have you ever wondered if there was a way to get a mortgage larger than the purchase price of your home to do some renovations? Do you want to do some renovations on a property you would like to purchase and don’t have the money or think you can afford to renovate? The answer for […]

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You are a what?

General Angela Calla 7 May

You found the home of your dreams, your offer was accepted and you just received the keys to your new home. Congratulations, you’re now officially a homeowner! So… what happens next? To help you start your new life as a homeowner on the right foot, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) offers the following tips […]

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Easy Refinance Program for Qualified Borrowers & Properties

General Angela Calla 2 May

Easy Refinance Program Highlights: This program is administered through FCT and covers the following at no cost to the borrower: * All secured and unsecured debt payout * One (1) signing appointment with an FCT representative * Mortgage Registration * Discharge of existing mortgages * Lender title insurance * All courier fees for the borrower(s) […]

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Lenders with posted rates make penalties higher

General Angela Calla 23 Apr

 So back to that penalty issue… have you wondered how some lenders charge such a high penalty when the mortgage term is almost over? This is an obvious retention tool the banks leverage to keep you on their books!  One of the many considerations we have when finding you the best mortgage is how they […]

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What does it take to own an average home in 2013

General Angela Calla 23 Apr

In a recent Bank of Montreal survey, a First-Time Homebuyer is 29 years old and has saved a $48,000 down payment for a $300,000 home purchase. Who fits this profile? If you fit this average, it will take an annual household income grossing $40,000 per year (earning approximately $20 dollars full time and past your […]

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Mortgage Freedom depends on the right plan

General Angela Calla 12 Apr

The average Canadian homeowner doesn’t think they’ll be mortgage-free until they’re 57 – two years longer than what they expected last year, a survey by CIBC suggests.  The survey also found that half of those surveyed said other debt, from credit cards to lines of credit, have increased and impeded their ability to pay off […]

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