Decoding Mortgages on The Morning Buzz

General Angela Calla 21 Jun

Recently we were invited by The Morning Buzz to talk with their host, Natasha, on decoding the mortgages and the current real-estate environment. We are always very honoured to have the opportunity to bring education to Canadian listeners so that they can have the tools equipped to best navigate the ever-changing market. The interview can […]

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Summer Backyard Reno Ideas

General Angela Calla 20 Jun

With summer underway, it might be time to consider a backyard upgrade! These don’t have to be luxurious or expensive, but a couple tweaks can give your yard a facelift and make your outdoor space feel brand new! Check out my backyard renovation ideas below: Revive Your Deck: You don’t necessarily have to tear it […]

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New to Canada?

General Angela Calla 10 Jun

Canada has seen a surge of international migration over the last few years. With all these new faces in town wanting to plant roots in this great country, it’s a good time to review some of the details surrounding mortgages and how individuals new to Canada can qualify to be homeowners. Check out some details […]

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Thinking of Moving? Tips for Selling in Today’s Market

General Angela Calla 9 Jun

The housing market continues to favour sellers as we move into the summer months. If you’re thinking of selling, this is a great time to do so! Not only will your home likely be listed on the market for a shorter period of time, but most sellers are currently receiving multiple offers on their sale. […]

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The Bank of Canada Hikes Rates Again By 50 BPS

General Angela Calla 1 Jun

Another Jumbo Rate Hike, Signalling More To Come The Governing Council of the Bank of Canada raised the overnight policy rate by a full 50 basis points once again today, marking the third rate hike this year. The two back-to-back half-point increases are without precedent, but so were the dramatic pandemic rate cuts in the […]

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Our Home Care Heroes

General Angela Calla 30 May

Here at the Angela Calla Mortgage Team, we recognize the value of caring for our senior loved ones. In recognition of Personal Support Workers Day, we wanted to share this new award from our partners at HomeEquity Bank that highlights those who see to the care of some of the most vulnerable in our community. […]

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Qualifying Rates of Variable and Fixed-rate Mortgages

General Angela Calla 27 May

Mortgages are required to qualify based on the stress test (the higher of 5.25% or your actual contract rate + 2%). Fixed rates are over 4%, putting the stress test at over 6%. Many people opt for variables as rates can be as low as 2.3% allowing them to qualify using 5.25% increasing the maximum […]

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Canadian Homes Sales Slow As Mortgage Rates Rise

General Angela Calla 26 May

Canadian Housing Market Feels The Pinch of Higher Rates Statistics released today by the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) show that the slowdown that began in March in response to higher interest rates has broadened. In April, national home sales dropped by 12.6% on a month-over-month (m/m) basis. The decline placed the monthly activity at […]

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