Buying in the off season pays off in real estate

General Angela Calla 8 Dec

If you’ve been thinking about buying a new home but don’t think that the cooler months make for an ideal time, you may actually benefit from changing your perspective. Though spring and summer are typically the most active real estate buying and selling seasons, house hunting in winter has its own benefits. Knowing what they […]

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EnRICHed Academy Smart Start for Financial Genius

General Angela Calla 6 Dec

Dominion Lending Centres Angela Calla Mortgage Team is proud to announce the launch of EnRICHed Academy’s “Smart Start for Financial Genius”! This program has been designed to educate young adults (13-23) and their families on the fundamentals that build wealth in an entertaining, funny and entirely interactive way. No program like this currently exists, and the need […]

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Mortgage Penalties short term pain for long term gain

General Angela Calla 6 Dec

With mortgage rates still hovering near historic lows, chances are you’ve considered breaking your current mortgage and renewing now before rates rise any further. Perhaps you want to free up cash for such things as renovations, travel or putting towards your children’s education? Or maybe you want to pay down debt or pay your mortgage […]

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BOC keeps overnight rate at 1%

General Angela Calla 6 Dec

Good Morning, No surprises this morning, the BOC rate remains stable the full report can be viewed here   Angela Calla, AMP Dominion Lending Centres 604-802-3983

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Bank of Canada Likely To Retain Key 1.0% Interest Rate Dec 6th 2011

General Angela Calla 5 Dec

By Courtney Tower –External Headwinds ‘Blowing Harder’ So Stimulus Still Needed –Some Few Analysts See Rate Cut Rather Than Hikes In Future OTTAWA (MNI) – The Bank of Canada likely will maintain the economic stimulus of its 1.0% policy interest rate on Tuesday, for the 11th successive rate-setting time, and those who parse its words […]

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BOC’s next move if any could be downward

General Angela Calla 29 Nov

Well it’s that time again when the Bank of Canada considers doing something with its overnight target rate, the benchmark interest rate that affects interest rates, directly and indirectly, throughout the country. The Bank’s overnight target rate is currently one per cent, low by historical standards although it has been lower dropping to a record […]

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Debts dirty dozen warning signs-we can help

General Angela Calla 25 Nov

If there’s one plaintive cry you tend to hear again and again from credit counsellors, it’s this: “If only our clients had come to see us sooner.” By the time many people actually ask for help, their debt problems are so huge that their credit ratings are in tatters and some solutions may no longer […]

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Great time for first time buyers

General Angela Calla 25 Nov

Low interest rates making home ownership slightly more affordable By The Canadian Press | The Canadian Press – 2 hours 25 minutes ago By The Canadian Press OTTAWA – A new report finds low interest rates are keeping Canadian house prices within reach of homebuyers in many markets. The Royal Bank’s quarterly report on housing trends, released […]

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Review to retire your mortgage

General Angela Calla 23 Nov

Nearly three-quarters (72%) of Canadians with a mortgage hope to be mortgage-free by the time they reach age 65, but one-third (33%) of older Canadians (those over the age of 55) have 16 or more years left on their mortgage term, according to the latest RBC Housing Snapshot poll.  “Canadians want to be mortgage-free as […]

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BOC has a flexible approach to adapt to our markets

General Angela Calla 23 Nov

The Bank of Canada understands that targeting inflation is still its No 1 job, and that there are limits to its ability to keep borrowing costs on hold to buffer against economic shocks or trouble in the financial system, Governor Mark Carney said today. In his first remarks on his approach to inflation-control since the […]

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