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Thinking of giving your landlord a notice?

General Angela Calla 6 May

Thinking of giving your landlord  a notice? Test drive a mortgage payment #callateam read & share

In both rising markets and softer markets there will be many people contemplating making a move to a larger home and with that larger home often comes a larger mortgage. Last month’s newsletter offered technical tips to help prepare for the process of porting your mortgage to a new property, this month we will talk about preparing for a payment increase in advance.

We test drive cars before we buy, we try on clothes before we buy, we even sample wines or beers before we commit. Yet when it comes to taking on a mortgage payment, or increasing our mortgage size, and thus payment, few of us take the new monthly payment around the block. Instead, we are often so caught up on other aspects of the process that 30 days after moving in when that first payment is withdrawn, there can be a degree of post-closing payment shock.

Knowing your numbers in advance is one thing – living with the numbers in advance is another.

Here is a table for quick calculations of the possible increase in mortgage amount you may be considering:

Mortgage Amount

Monthly Payment









*Based on a 2.69% 5yr fixed rate amortised over 25yrs.

The key to this is not simply doing the math and knowing what you future payments will be for the next 25 years. The key is to actually increase your current mortgage (via your prepayment privleges) by the corresponding amount so that you are making that new payment for a few months prior to taking action. Alternatively, you might choose to withdraw an amount equal to the proposed increase from your account and stash it in a ‘safe‘ place like a savings account, an actual safe, or a parents care. The key is to start replicating that new payment and confirm you can live with it prior to actually taking it on.

The best mortgage plan is one that is developed by assessing your goals and life stage. The Angela Calla Mortgage Team will help you personally call us at 604-802-3983 or email